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SARS-CoV-2 back in Paris wastewater

The organization responsible for the Paris water supply has taken new samples from the wastewater. However, these samples showed a resurgence of the coronavirus. On the other hand, it is a question of very low levels so that there is not yet a valid reason to worry.

An advanced epidemic indicator

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Eau de Paris organization has been monitoring wastewater . This is a project called Obépine. Between March 5 and April 23, 2020, samples allowed a correlation between the rate of presence of the virus in wastewater and the number of cases of Covid-19.

Eau de Paris claims that wastewater partly reflects the state of health of a population. When a sick person goes to the toilet, the stool contaminates the water who evacuate them. Thus, wastewater is a leading epidemic indicator, where hospitalizations are among the lagging indicators.

SARS-CoV-2 back in Paris wastewater

Also worth mentioning is that in mid- April, the non-drinking water network had been contaminated by the coronavirus. This network, supplied with water from the Seine and the Ourcq canal, showed traces of the virus on the 97 sampling points tested. In mid-May, new samples attested to the disappearance of the virus.

The return of SARS-CoV-2

The only thing is that Eau de Paris took new samples from wastewater between June 22 and 25 , as Le Monde explains in a July 8, 2020 article. According to the results, 6 of the 12 swabs tested positive at minimal levels. In addition, other tests confirmed the first results. Is this a sign that with deconfinement, the epidemic is starting again? Obviously, the tests raise questions, but researchers and authorities say they need more information.

The Île-de-France Regional Health Agency (ARS) says it has read these analyzes. However, this one indicates not wanting to engage on false tracks. Thus, the agency is currently working with Eau de Paris and the Interdepartmental Syndicate for the Sanitation of the Paris Agglomeration (SIAPP). The goal? Develop a device to track more precisely the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater.

A potential second wave

The director of the ARS, Aurélien Rousseau, indicates that, for the moment, there are no major alerts on an epidemic recovery. The person concerned also evokes a moderate but stabilized circulation of the virus. However, vigilance is required since SARS-CoV-2 has been able to start circulating again in urbanized areas. Thus, it will be a question of targeted reconfinement operations if needed.

Let it be said, our country must prepare for a possible resumption of the epidemic, or even a second wave. The ARS reminds that to avoid this, it is incumbent to respect the barrier measures . In other words, we must continue to respect hygiene measures, physical distance and the wearing of a mask.