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He's back:the Oosterschelde lobster

He s back:the Oosterschelde lobster

And the fresher it is eaten, the tastier it is.

Rolls Royce among the lobsters
Traditionally, it is brought ashore on the last Thursday of March:the first Oosterschelde lobster. The season is short:the approximately twenty lobster fishermen bring this special lobster ashore from April 1 to July 15. Oosterschelde lobster – which connoisseurs call the Rolls Royce of lobsters – is eaten by preference in Zeeland. After the catch, the lobster can be served almost immediately.

Karla Peijs
This lobster, which has a very mild taste due to its deviating DNA structure and only thrives in very clean water, is today handed over to Karla Peijs, Queen's Commissioner of the Province of Zeeland, and Joop Atsma, State Secretary for Infrastructure &Environment.

Twice the price
Cornelis Heystek, editor-in-chief of Gourmand Gazette, warns consumers. "Be careful that you do get an Oosterschelde lobster, and not a much cheaper Canadian lobster". Fortunately, the difference is easy to see:The Canadian lobster has green to reddish-brown armor, and the Oosterschelde lobster is dark blue to black with white spots. The Oosterschelde lobster is twice as expensive as the Canadian and the North Sea lobster.

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