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Covid-19:an amazing experiment shows the speed with which the virus spreads during a meal!

The main risk of Covid-19 infection is none other than the famous droplets expelled when we speak, cough or sneeze. In order to demonstrate how easily this virus spreads, a Japanese media recently carried out and published a very telling experiment.

An experiment conducted in Japan

The safe distance between individuals , adopted in most countries, is usually one or two meters. However, several studies believe that this distance may not be sufficient. In March 2020, Chinese researchers traced the journey of a citizen at the very beginning of the epidemic. The latter took a bus and infected no less than 13 people during the journey. Among the infected, some were seated at a distance of between 2 and 4.5 meters from the man.

In addition, in the United States, there are strong suspicions about the possibility that Covid-19 can be transmitted through simple breathing, whereas, until now, the danger seemed to come only from coughing and sneezing.

In order to demonstrate the ease with which the virus can infect people, the Japanese media NHK published an unprecedented experiment on April 8, 2020. In the video, about ten people are staged around a simple meal , specifically a buffet. However, at the end of the meal, the conclusion is unequivocal:the virus is everywhere!

Almost everything is contaminated

The experiment leaders smeared phosphorescent paint on the hands of one of the ten people, this one embodying a kind of "patient zero". The painting represents the Covid-19. At the end of the meal, the light is turned off and everyone can see the damage. Indeed, the virus has literally taken possession of the premises.

Covid-19:an amazing experiment shows the speed with which the virus spreads during a meal!

Patient zero is covered in paint, namely on the mouth, glasses or clothing, especially on the sleeves. The other nine people almost all have paint on their hands. In addition, the utensils are also contaminated :cutlery, water carafe, glasses, etc. This serves as a reminder that contact with contaminated objects and other surfaces also represents a danger.

This puzzling experience involves a reminder of barrier gestures, as deconfinement in France has just begun. It is incumbent to respect social distancing, wear a mask, avoid gatherings and have irreproachable hygiene , especially in the hands.