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Covid-19:what we learn from the experience of a test concert with a screened audience

Not long ago in Barcelona, ​​an encouraging experiment was carried out with several hundred people in a concert hall. Results ? No one was infected during the evening. However, officials had established a very strict health protocol as well as extensive public monitoring.

463 people in a theater

For several months, many voices have been raised in France and elsewhere to denounce the death of culture . It must be said that after tourism, this is the sector most impacted by the current health situation, as explained in an article in The Conversation on December 16, 2020. Two months earlier, the authorities had nevertheless announced a two billion euro recovery plan . However, many consider the latter to be insufficient. A few days ago, 200 artists signed a platform in favor of vaccination and thus tending more towards the reopening of performance halls in France. What if reopening happens regardless of vaccinations?

As the Spanish daily El Pais explained on December 30, 2020, a concert-test took place in Catalonia. The Primavera Sound music festival organized this evening at the Apolo room in Barcelona with the approval of the Catalan authorities. However, the results are encouraging and are a source of hope. However, you should know that the sanitary protocol has been very strict and the event was the subject of an important follow-up of the participants.

Covid-19:what we learn from the experience of a test concert with a screened audience

This experiment gathered a total of 1,047 people , of which 463 participated in the famous concert. Thus, the room was not full since it has a maximum capacity of 900 seats. In addition, the other participants did not attend the evening (control group) and therefore stayed at home .

No positive test in spectators

Before the start of the experiment, the volunteers were required to present a negative Covid test . Inside, everyone had to wear an FFP2-type protective mask at all times. Nonetheless, officials have not set any social distancing rules. On the other hand, the temperature and the ventilation of the room were regulated as well as possible. A week after this evening, the spectators as well as the members of the control group had to again carry out a test . Results ? All of the concert attendees tested negative. Nevertheless, two people in the control group tested positive.

For some observers, this experience raises the question of a solution to reopen the rooms . According to an article by France Info published on January 8, 2021, the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot claimed to have learned of this experience. She has also planned to discuss it with entertainment professionals in France.