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What we know about the mysterious virus that appeared in China

Thailand has just identified on its territory the first case of the mysterious pneumonia epidemic currently affecting China. A first person also died.

Since November 12, at least 41 people have been affected in China by a mysterious outbreak of viral pneumonia. Several hundred other people known to have been in close contact with the patients were also placed under medical observation. According to a new press release from the World Health Organization (WHO), the virus would have made its first victim . The 61-year-old man reportedly died on January 9 after presenting to hospital with severe respiratory failure.

A first case in Thailand

In addition, we learn that a first case has also been reported in Thailand . The person concerned was returning from a trip from the Wuhan region, the cradle of the epidemic. Hospitalized, she is now in stable condition.

Recent elements of the investigation have indeed confirmed that the first people affected by the virus worked at the South China Seafood City, on the quays of the city. This is a market specializing in the wholesale sale of seafood and fish . The establishment has since been temporarily closed to be completely disinfected.

What we know about the mysterious virus that appeared in China

A virus 80% similar to SARS

A few days ago, the Chinese government also shared genetic sequencing data so that other countries could quickly diagnose patients. These analyzes made it possible to understand that we were dealing with a new type of coronavirus 80% similar to SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) found in some bats.

The health authorities, however, clarified that it was too early to conclude that it was indeed a new strain of the terrible disease which, at the beginning of the 2000s, killed more than 650 people worldwide, more than half of them in China .

WHO also reminds that no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission has not yet been established. However, it has just published certain guidelines to avoid any unnecessary risk.

All people living in these regions are asked to wash their hands regularly and to cover their mouth and nose in case of coughing or sneezing . The WHO also advises cooking meat and eggs thoroughly, and avoiding close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness.

Given the evolution of the situation, the director general of the WHO, doctor Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, should also convene a meeting of experts in a few days. Together, they will decide whether or not this epidemic constitutes an international health emergency.

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