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Spirulina:what can be the benefits?

Recent years have seen many changes in eating habits. And who says modifications to it says new products and consumables. There is also one that is emulated in view of its nutritional qualities:spirulina. But what about its nutritional qualities? And what about this "miracle product"?

A fashionable edible seaweed

Identity file

Spirulina is basically an algae – more specifically a cyanobacterium – known by the scientific names Arthrospira andSpirulina . The first classifications incorporating edible algae (Arthrospira platensis ), unlike the second. Either way, it's been around for millions of years and has been known to humans for a very long time.

This is particularly the case in the Aztec culture and among certain peoples of Chad. Today it is found in the form of a dietary supplement popular with sports enthusiasts. Spirulina is even considered an ingredient in some recipes. It is recognizable by its color, which stands out with a deep and intense green .

The composition of spirulina

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, this cyanobacterium is highly prized for its various nutritional qualities . Very low in calories, spirulina contains antioxidants , many nutrients or even minerals . Arthrospira platensis is also praised for the quality of its proteins and its amino acids .

Also note the presence of beta-carotene , trace elements and vitamin B – including vitamin B12, we will come back to this. So many aspects that make this seaweed a coveted food! In addition, chlorophyll which gives its pigmented color to spirulina is full of positive effects for the body.

Spirulina:what can be the benefits?

Different health benefits

All these components have therefore contributed to elevating this seaweed to the rank of superfood . It is particularly popular with athletes. If few scientific studies have been carried out on it, they remain promising about these abilities. And indeed, it is true that the benefits of spirulina are numerous:

  • Due to its antioxidant content, it boosts the immune system and allows him to stay in shape. This also means that it has a good impact in the fight against cell aging. It would also have a role in reducing certain allergic symptoms (such as rhinitis).
  • The bad cholesterol tends to decrease with the consumption of spirulina. Research on this has shown its effectiveness compared to placebos.
  • What about proteins ? While the manufacturers are raving about the protein content, a few things should be clarified. Indeed, in order to maximize their assimilation by the body, it is advisable to combine the consumption of spirulina with cereals.
  • There is also a positive impact on blood pressure, fatigue (it increases energy and facilitates recovery after a sports session) or weight – it notably reduces appetite.
  • The symptoms of diabetes are also attenuated by the consumption of this seaweed. It lowers blood sugar and positively regulates insulin.
  • A study carried out over twelve months would also have highlighted the protective role of Arthrospira platensis in the fight against mouth cancer .

How to consume it?

In view of all these elements, we understand why more and more people are taking spirulina. Most of the time, it comes in the form of powder to integrate into drinks or food. Good to know:the apple is effective in erasing the taste of seaweed. You can also consume spirulina in capsule . In any case, the main thing is to choose products only composed of spirulina and comply with French legislation.

According to the information provided by ANSES, spirulina cannot also constitute a substitute to compensate for a possible deficiency in vitamin B12 people who do not eat animal flesh.

All these "miracle" virtues are to be put into perspective:spirulinais not a medicine . Its consumption is not recommended for pregnant people and those with phenylketonuria.

If in doubt about your ability to consume it (for example with regard to the risk of allergies), do not hesitate toconsult a professional the health . And like all good things, be careful not to overdo it!

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