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Therapeutic cannabis:the National Assembly validates a two-year test in France!

A few days ago, a show of hands in the National Assembly made it possible to launch an experiment in our country. Indeed, therapeutic cannabis will be tested in France over a period of two years!

An unprecedented test phase!

On October 25, 2019, the National Assembly examined the Social Security draft budget for 2020. On this occasion, a show of hands allowed the adoption of an amendment by the deputy of Isère Olivier Véran (LREM), as explained by France Info. The latter relates to an experiment with cannabis for medical use in France for two years. This test phase will therefore begin in 2020 and end in 2022. The key, if successful, is a possible generalization of the practice.

You should know that this experiment will not concern just anyone. Indeed, the measure targets people with serious illnesses . For example, it is a question of relieving individuals suffering from the side effects of chemotherapy and neuropathic pain. People with certain forms of epilepsy are also affected, as are patients placed in palliative care.

How will this experiment be applied?

According to Olivier Véran, 3,000 people will be affected by this test phase validated upstream by the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM). The tests will take place in several hospitals, preferably in centers specialized in the pathologies concerned. In addition, the initial prescription will be made by a specialized doctor , for example a neurologist or pain doctor. Obviously, a follow-up will be carried out in order to observe the potentially positive and/or negative effects of this type of treatment. Namely that the patients concerned will initially be able to provide themselves with hospital pharmacy , then in conventional pharmacies.

Finally, it is interesting to note that the administration methods will be rather varied. Indeed, patients will be able to obtain dried flowers (used in particular for smoking), oil and possibly preparations for herbal teas. The dosage will also be thought out according to the patients concerning the two active ingredients of cannabis, namely tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). If the first generates psychoactive effects, the second is more a source of muscle relaxation.

Therapeutic cannabis:the National Assembly validates a two-year test in France!


France Info has also published the testimony of Mado Gilanton, representative of the Rare Diseases Alliance on the temporary scientific committee ANSM therapeutic cannabis.

“I am 65 years old. I have struggled with drugs all my life. And then one day, I was affected by a rare disease called syringomyelia which is a disease of the spinal cord. It is an extremely painful disease, severe neuropathic pain, refractory to any treatment. I was on heavy opioid medications that didn't do anything, but I became addicted to them. And then one day, pushed by those around me, I actually smoked a cannabis joint which gave me instant relief almost like no medicine had done before" declared the interested party.

Sources:France Info – Huffington Post

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