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Researchers unveil the "Covid-score" for better deconfinement

French researchers have developed a test called Covid-Score. This makes it possible to assess the risks of each person facing Covid-19 and therefore to adapt their behavior at a time when France is deconfining. This test is based on three criteria, namely age, sex and body mass index (BMI).

For healthy people

Since May 11, France has been deconfining. Each person should ideally wear a mask, a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel and must obviously apply barrier gestures. To better support deconfinement, researchers led by Philippe Amouyel of the Institut Pasteur de Lille have developed the Covid-Score. With its name and color code, this test is reminiscent of the Nutri-Score, a famous nutritional labeling system.

The objective of the Covid-Score? Allow everyone to assess their individual risk of contracting the disease, but also of having serious complications. However, as the official test platform indicates, the test is only intended for people who have never declared chronic diseases . It should also be noted that individuals with very severe obesity as well as pregnant women are excluded from the test. In order to know more about their personal risk, these people should therefore consult a doctor.

For others, the Covid-Score will allow them to directly and instantly assess their individual risk. They will also be able to know the risks of their loved ones and adapt their behavior accordingly.

Researchers unveil the  Covid-score  for better deconfinement

Based on three criteria

The test is quick and very simple. Indeed, you just have to type in your height and weight to find out your body mass index (BMI). Then all that remains is to observe a grid (see below) on which appears the Covid-Score according to sex, age and BMI.

Researchers unveil the  Covid-score  for better deconfinement

Furthermore, it is possible to ask whether these three criteria alone are sufficient to assess the risks. Philippe Amouyel recalls that since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic , doctors have discovered that these three main parameters have a major impact on the risk of having complications. The team behind the Covid-Score therefore worked from the statistics of deaths that occurred in Île-de-France, excluding nursing homes. Let us remember in passing that this is the most impacted population in France.

In addition, you should know that a study conducted by the University of Oxford (United Kingdom) between March and April 2020 confirmed the relevance of the choice of these three criteria. The study even indicated that the people most at risk are the rather old men with a strong corpulence.