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Orthodontic treatment:a procedure that is attracting more and more adults

Contrary to popular belief, orthodontic treatments are not exclusively reserved for children. Even in adulthood, it is possible to benefit from a correction device to realign the teeth or remedy any maxillary deformities. Indeed, apart from aesthetic considerations, dental malpositions can cause muscle tension, which can themselves lead to pain and disorders of the temporomandibular joint. Hence the importance of quickly correcting any anomaly detected by a dental specialist.

Orthodontic treatments not only make it possible to find a harmonious smile, but at the same time improve all the functions involving the oral cavity, such as chewing, swallowing, phonation and even breathing! The principle of an orthodontic device is to exert a continuous force, over a relatively long period, in order to gradually move the teeth to the optimal position; the alveolar bone that maintains their roots can indeed be remodeled (it evolves by itself throughout life).

To correct the position of the teeth, most teenagers are usually fitted with fixed dental appliances, which consist of several attachments glued to the teeth and linked together by a metal arch. But today there are more discreet and equally effective treatments:transparent gutters, called invisible. Bloomsquare Studio is, for example, one of the dental centers offering the Invisalign technique in Paris:this method, invented in 1997 by the Californian company Align-Technology, has been available in France since the year 2000.

Dental appearance, an important social criterion

Well-aligned teeth give a much more aesthetic smile. They are also easier to clean, which is why proper alignment is generally associated with longer tooth longevity. On the other hand, a bad positioning of the teeth can cause pain during chewing, but also headaches, or even pain in the neck and back. It also involves premature wear of the teeth.

Dental malocclusion can take different forms:it happens that the upper teeth overlap those of the lower jaw too much (this is called vertical overlap), that the lower teeth are in front of the upper teeth (prognathism), that the lateral teeth of the upper jaw are too oriented towards the palate, or that those of the lower jaw are too oriented towards the cheek (crossbite), or that the teeth overlap due to lack of space (crowding).

All these anomalies, the list of which is not exhaustive, can be corrected using orthodontic devices. It is of course preferable to start treatment at an early age – especially since health insurance only covers treatment for children under 16 (except in exceptional cases). In adulthood, it is also no longer possible to intervene on the size and positioning of the jaws. However, a realignment treatment can be implemented at any age.

More and more people are turning to orthodontics. And for good reason:we live in a society where physical appearance is (unfortunately) often decisive. A study published in 2014 looked at the influence of dental aesthetics in job search:the results of this research suggested that people with an ideal smile are considered more intelligent and are more likely to find a job. Another study, dated 2003, also revealed that in the absence of other information, the judgments that an individual makes about the personal characteristics of others are influenced by dental appearance. Other research has confirmed this trend, adding that the nature of the orthodontic appliance also plays a role in this social perception.

Correct teeth discreetly

To overcome the lack of aesthetics, children and teenagers can now enjoy "rings" of all colors, which bring a touch of originality, or ceramic (less visible than the metallic version). Often, they must also wear rubber bands, which attach directly to the device and connect the two jaws. To this are sometimes added, for the youngest, "space maintainers" who intervene when a lost milk tooth has not yet been replaced by the permanent tooth.

A palatal expansion is in some cases performed as a preliminary treatment:it aims to widen the upper dental arch and the palate of the child. The device takes the form of a small plastic plate, molded according to the morphology of the child, which is worn directly on the roof of the palate; a system of screws makes it possible to exert pressure towards the outside and thus to widen the palate. The procedure ensures better coordination of the two jaws and improves respiratory condition.

Most people are naturally reluctant to wear conspicuous and unsightly braces. Fortunately, today there are much more discreet solutions, invisible devices accessible to all ages, but which especially appeal to adults. Custom-made using a high-precision 3D scanner, these transparent aligners, such as Invisalign aligners, not only look better, but are also more comfortable. In addition, they are completely removable (they must be removed during meals and brushing teeth) - they must nevertheless be worn at least 20 to 22 hours a day to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment.

Regularly, the orthodontist adjusts the gutters by gradually increasing the force exerted on the teeth; Approximately every two weeks, the patient should move on to the next aligner until treatment is complete. This usually lasts 6 to 12 months. At the end of this period, a retention system (also invisible, because it is placed behind the teeth) is placed to maintain the correct position of the teeth.