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Chrysanthellum to protect the liver

Chrysanthellum to protect the liver

Chrysanthellum (C hrysanthellum americanum) belongs to the Asteraceae family. The genus Helichrysum has a dozen species. C hrysanthellum americanum is native to South America, more specifically Bolivia and Peru where it grows mostly in the mountains. But in the tropical zones of Africa and India, it now grows subspontaneously. It appeared in Europe rather recently, in the 1990s, in particular for its therapeutic virtues.

Chrysanthellum, hepatic protector

C hrysanthellum americanum syn. C hrysanthellum indicum, golden chamomile, golden flower grass, or American chrysanthellum is therefore an annual herbaceous plant, a cousin of the chamomile to which it resembles, without exceeding 15cm in height. It bears small, bi- and tri-pinnately cut leaves on slender stems, and terminal heads of florets in tubes and tongues of orange-yellow color.

The plant contains rare flavonoids (maritiméine, maréine…), saponosides, chrysanthellines (A and B), alkaloids and tannins.

The medicinal properties of passionflower

The aerial parts of Chrysanthellum americanum have liver-protecting properties that have enabled the plant to gain its reputation in herbal medicine. The Andean Indians used it for a long time against gastrointestinal disorders, fevers and migraines.

Today, it is recognized as a hepatic protector, hypocholesterolemic, anti-edematous, and anti-lithiasis:it facilitates the secretion of bile and protects the liver against poisoning due to alcohol and excess food, including preventively:the alcohol is then eliminated 5 times faster than usual. The plant also helps eliminate gallstones, kidney stones and saliva.

The other beneficial action of Chrysanthellum concerns blood circulation with effects similar to those of vitamin P on microcirculation. Thus, in case of heavy and varicose legs, poor circulation in the legs and feet, hemorrhoids, rosacea or bursting of small vessels in the eyes, chrysanthellum will have a venotonic effect, improving the tone of the walls of the veins.

Chrysanthellum americanum would also have antioxidant properties via its flavonoids.

Chrysanthellum americanum can be purchased in pharmacies and herbalists. The plant is presented and used in different ways:

  • in infusion:15 to 20g of dried chrysanthellum / 1 liter of water (2 to 3 cups maximum / day after meals), infuse for 10 minutes,
  • in capsules or hydroalcoholic extract, as directed by the pharmacist.

(photo credit:Ousmane Sawadogo via Tela Botanica)