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The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

In a healthy adult, the liver weighs 1.5 kg.

The liver is one of the vital organs of the human body.

It performs a large number of functions essential to our survival.

Including digestion, metabolism, immune defenses and nutrient storage.

It is also a gland that secretes chemical substances, which act through the body.

In fact, the liver is the only part of our body that is both an organ and a gland.

A healthy liver regulates the chemical composition of the blood and removes harmful toxins from our body.

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

During digestion, it transforms the nutrients absorbed by the intestines so that they can be used by the body.

The liver also provides storage for vitamins, iron and glucose.

In addition, the liver ensures the transformation of insulin, hemoglobin and several other hormones.

Finally, the liver destroys old red blood cells and synthesizes chemicals that clot the blood.

It is precisely because it provides so many vital functions that it is extremely important to take care of your liver and keep it healthy.

This is because an unhealthy diet and lifestyle can overload and clog your liver, preventing it from eliminating toxins and fat.

An unhealthy liver increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue, headaches, digestive disorders, allergies and several other medical conditions.

Fortunately, there are several foods that can cleanse, invigorate, and detoxify the liver naturally.

Check out the top 10 foods to keep your liver healthy:

1. Garlic

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

Garlic is a detox superfood that acts on the liver by stimulating the production of enzymes which eliminate toxins from the body.

In addition, garlic contains 2 organic compounds, allicin and selenium, which help to purify and protect the liver of toxic degeneration.

But that's not all. Garlic reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels , two substances that overload the liver and disrupt its proper functioning.

To keep your liver healthy, consume fresh, raw garlic. Conversely, avoid minced garlic, garlic powder or dehydrated garlic.

How to

• Eat 2-3 cloves of raw garlic daily.

• Incorporate garlic into your recipes as often as possible.

• You can also follow a treatment with organic garlic capsules — but be sure to consult your doctor first.

To discover: 13 Amazing Uses of Garlic You Didn't Know About.

2. Grapefruit

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

Thanks to its high content of vitamin C, pectins and antioxidants , grapefruit facilitates detoxification of the liver.

Grapefruit also contains a powerful antioxidant, glutathione, which neutralizes free radicals and purges the liver.

The detox properties of glutathione also act on metallic trace elements, toxic metals that are highly harmful to our body.

In addition, grapefruit contains naringinin, a flavonoid that promotes the elimination of fat .

How to

• Every morning, drink a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or even better enjoy a whole grapefruit.

• If you are taking medication, consult your doctor. Indeed, eating grapefruit can interact with certain treatments and cause adverse effects.

To discover: Drugs and Grapefruit:A Dangerous Mixture!

3. Red beet

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

With a high content of flavonoids and beta-carotenes, beetroot stimulates and facilitates the overall functioning of the liver.

In addition, beetroot naturally eliminates toxins blood.

How to

• Incorporate beetroot into your dishes as often as possible.

• Prepare yourself this detox beetroot salad recipe:

• Ingredients:150 g of red beets (grated or diced), 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil and the juice of half a squeezed lemon.

• Mix all the ingredients.

• During the day, eat 2 teaspoons of this salad every 2 hours, over a period of one week.

To discover: See la Vie en Rose with my Beetroot Purée.

4. Lemon

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

If lemon has a significant detox effect, it is thanks to its limonene content, an antioxidant that stimulates the production of enzymes in the liver.

In addition, the high vitamin C content of lemon stimulates the production of other enzymes that regulate digestion .

Finally, lemon facilitates the absorption of minerals by the liver.

How to

• Drink lemon water regularly at home by mixing the juice of a squeezed lemon in a jug of water. If desired, add a little thyme honey to sweeten the taste.

• If your lemons are organic, you can also add a few finely chopped pieces of peel.

To discover: 11 Lemon Water Benefits You Didn't Know About.

5. Green tea

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

Drinking green tea daily helps your body eliminate toxins and fat deposits , while increasing your level of hydration.

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity indicates that the high catechin content of green tea stimulates the liver by accelerating lipid catabolism.

Therefore, green tea prevents the storage of fat in the liver.

This beneficial beverage is also known to protect the liver from the harmful effects of toxic substances, such as alcohol.

In the long term, green tea is an effective preventive and curative treatment against liver diseases.

According to another study published in Cancer Causes and Control , people who drink green tea significantly reduce their risk of developing liver cancer.

How to

• Drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily. If you wish, sweeten your tea with lavender honey.

• Avoid drinking too much of green tea, as it can have a negative impact on your liver and your body.

To discover: 11 Green Tea Benefits You Didn't Know About.

6. Lawyer

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

According to a recent study by the American Chemical Society , avocado contains powerful chemicals that can reduce liver damage .

Like grapefruit, avocado is rich in glutathione, an antioxidant necessary for the proper functioning of the liver and the elimination of toxins harmful to our body.

Thanks to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids, avocado helps to reduce "bad" cholesterol (low density lipoproteins) and increase levels of "good" cholesterol (high density lipoproteins).

However, it is precisely the "good" cholesterol that is much easier for the liver to process.

In addition, the avocado contains several minerals, vitamins and nutrients of vegetable origin which ensure the proper functioning of the liver and help your body to metabolize fat faster.

How to

• To treat liver damage, eat 1-2 avocados per week for 2 months.

To discover: The 4 Virtues of the Lawyer You Don't Know.

7. Turmeric

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

Turmeric is one of the best known and most effective foods for cleansing the liver.

This herbaceous plant, native to southern Asia, helps the body to better digest and process fat .

It is curcumin, the natural pigment that gives turmeric its yellow color, that stimulates the production of glutathione S-transferase, an enzyme that acts as one of the main detoxifying agents in the liver.

In addition, glutathione S-transferase promotes the regeneration of damaged liver cells.

How to

• Mix 1/4 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder in a glass of water and boil. Drink this mixture 2 times a day for 2 weeks.

• Remember to incorporate turmeric into your recipes as often as possible.

To discover: The 3 Therapeutic Virtues of Turmeric on Your Health.

8. Apple

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

The secret to keeping your liver healthy is to eat an apple every day.

The apple is an excellent source of pectin, a soluble fiber that participates in the elimination Toxins of the digestive tract and which reduces blood cholesterol levels .

Thanks to these two beneficial actions, pectin avoids excessive stress on the liver by your body.

Finally, the apple also contains malic acid, a natural nutrient with powerful cleansing properties. Malic acid removes carcinogens blood, as well as many other toxins.

How to

• All varieties of apples have these benefits for your liver health. However, prefer organic apples, because their beneficial effect is faster than apples treated with pesticides.

• Eat an organic apple or drink a glass of pure fresh apple juice daily.

To discover:French Apples Are Well Poisoned with Pesticides:Justice Gives Reason to Greenpeace. 9. Nuts

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

Thanks to their high content of the amino acid arginine, walnuts help the liver to eliminate the ammonia present in your body.

In addition, nuts also contain glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids, organic substances that promote natural liver cleansing.

And according to a study in the journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the polyphenols found in walnuts protect the liver from liver damage caused by carbon tetrachloride and galactosamine.

How to

• Snack on a handful of nuts daily.

• To incorporate nuts into your diet, try adding them to salads, side dishes or desserts.

To discover: How to Open a Nut Without a Nutcracker in 10 Seconds.

10. Broccoli

The 10 Best Detox Foods To Keep Your Liver HEALTHY.

One of the easiest ways to boost your liver's natural detox is to incorporate broccoli into your diet.

Broccoli is rich in glucosinolates, organic compounds that help the liver remove carcinogens and other toxins harmful to your body.

Thanks to its high fiber content, broccoli aids digestion. In addition, this vegetable contains vitamin E, one of the antioxidants essential for the proper functioning of the liver

How to

• Eat 100g of broccoli 3 times a week to keep your liver healthy.

To discover: The Trick To Keeping Broccoli Fresh For 4 Weeks


There you go, now you know the natural foods you can eat to keep your liver healthy :-)

For the good health of your liver, health experts also recommend eliminating or reducing the consumption of animal products, alcohol, refined sugar, excess caffeine and processed foods.

Finally, for better overall health, quit smoking as it affects ALL organs in the body, including the liver :-)