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Social security certificate:where and how to get it or download it?

Social security certificate:where and how to get it or download it?

The social security certificate is the document which proves that you are indeed affiliated with health insurance and, as such, you benefit from rights concerning in particular the reimbursement of your health care. This document is issued to all health insurance affiliates at the time of issue of the Vitale card, and must be updated regularly to take into account any changes in the situation of the insured, which may have consequences for their rights. in health insurance. The social security certificate contains a certain amount of information necessary for the coverage of many treatments but also in many other situations such as hospitalization, registration with complementary mutual insurance, or loss or theft. of his Vitale card.

What is the social security certificate used for? When is it requested?

The social security certificate is used to justify his affiliation to health insurance. This document summarizes, in paper format, unlike the Vitale card which only contains computer information in the form of a chip, all the information concerning your situation with regard to health insurance, i.e. in link in particular with the reimbursements to which you can claim as an insured person.

This is why the social security certificate may be requested from certain health professionals, in the event of hospitalization, or even, for example, if you have low resources and you are a beneficiary of complementary health insurance. .

Where can I find my social security certificate and get it back?

The social security certificate, issued in paper format, in principle by post or electronically, when you obtain your Vitale card, summarizes all the information concerning you in relation to your health insurance rights.

It very often happens that this paper document is lost by the insured. There is no need to panic in this case because it is possible to recover this security certificate quite simply. On the other hand, your information, as an insured, must be updated regularly. This social security certificate summarizes your situation as it is when you request it. There are several ways to retrieve this document, especially when updating your health insurance rights.

On his health insurance website

If you are covered by the general health insurance scheme, you can retrieve your social security certificate online.

To do this, you must create your personal account on the health insurance website,, which allows you to follow your healthcare reimbursements, to carry out procedures online, to get in touch with your health insurance, but also to download your social security insured certificate in the "My procedures" section.

Creating your account on can also be done by telephone by calling 36 46.

In addition to the website, you can also download the "ameli" application on your smartphone or tablet, which is available on the App Store or Google Play platforms.

By post

You can also retrieve your social security certificate by sending a letter to your health insurance body. His contact details are mentioned on your healthcare reimbursement statements, for example.

By going to the premises of his health insurance

All the health insurance funds have on their premises, generally at the level of their reception hall, automatic multi-service terminals which allow you to carry out the same procedures as on the website, after inserting your Vitale card. .

These kiosks also allow you to print your social security certificate directly.

Note: people who are not affiliated to the general social security scheme, but for example to the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) or to a public service fund, must contact their fund directly to find out how to recover and/or upload their social security certificate.