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Why choose running?

Why choose running?

To ensure good general health, WHO recommends daily practice of 30 minutes of physical activity . Globally, however, more than 25% of the adult population does not respect these recommendations. What about France? A Strava study recently published draws an encouraging observation:2021 has seen a clear rebound in physical activity in France, especially running.

How can this enthusiasm be justified? Discover the many benefits of this activity and join the movement!

Running and its many benefits

Stride to iron health

Running is good for your health! While this argument may seem obvious, do you know how running affects the body? This sport increases energy expenditure and helps burn calories. The result is quickly noticeable on the scale:the BMI is regulated and weight loss can quickly occur. Your body has lost firmness and you are looking for an effective way to remedy it? Did you know that running offers very complete and particularly formidable muscle strengthening against joint pain? Running also strengthens the heart and increases respiratory and lung capacity.

On the other hand, do not neglect a good preparation beforehand at the risk of injuring yourself and stretch to wake up your body gently.

Build your body, but also your morale!

The runners will tell you, running is excellent for morale! Running is indeed a generator of well-being thanks to the endorphins it releases in abundance. The effect of this happiness hormone is immediate:your body is filled with positive waves and your mood is in good shape! Similarly, running in an outdoor environment helps to empty your mind and around you while discovering new horizons. Free yourself from your stress and fill up on vitamin D before or after your day at work!

How to start running?

Set goals

Before starting a new activity, it is important to set goals measured against their abilities. Whether you start running to keep a good resolution or for a more specific need, the key is to take it gradually. Start by setting up small, easily achievable challenges in order to maintain an optimal level of motivation, essential to the success of your goals. Do you want to run every day for a short duration or less frequently but cover longer distances? Setting up a race schedule can help you do this. There are also various apps that will give you a quick overview of your progress to share with all your friends:Nike Run Club is one of the most popular. It is said that patience is the mother of all virtues:it is even more true in the sports world! Learn to accept your failures while celebrating your successes. Running the marathon may not be for now, but a good regularity in the effort will lead you to the gates of victory in less time than it takes to say!

Don't neglect your gear

To start your running practice, you don't need to equip yourself with the complete range of the perfect runner. Concentrate on the essentials that will allow you to accomplish your first kilometers in complete comfort. A good pair of shoes is essential and is the most important piece of equipment to start running. To choose the right running sneakers without getting lost among all the models available, adapt them to the surface on which you plan to perform your strides. For example, for an urban area, running sneakers will be particularly suitable. Beware, city sneakers are not recommended at all:back pain, strains and contractures! For a more rural or mountain environment, invest in a pair of trail running shoes.

To keep your feet dry and warm, equip yourself with light and breathable socks. For your outfit, choose light, but waterproof clothes:you are not immune to climatic disappointments! The choice of fabric is particularly important for your race outing:breathable clothing will be your best ally and will prevent you from catching cold in the event of heavy sweating! Ladies, it is very important to invest in a sports bra to ensure good support for your breasts. Do you know Camelbak? This accessory widely acclaimed by runners is a kind of backpack that includes a water reservoir and thus guarantees hydration on demand! Finally, think practical! A small inside or outside zipped pocket can be very useful for storing your keys or your phone without taking the risk of misplacing them!

Running for a fulfilling social life

Running in groups

You thought running was only done alone? Think again, this physical activity is practiced more and more in groups! With friends or in a club, running with others strengthens social ties and helps keep motivation intact. Feeling pushed by the collective and surpassing oneself while having fun is one of the most appreciated aspects of running. If you like to run in a group, why not take part in the big regional or even national races? Consult without further delay the calendar of major competitions across France!

Solidarity races:run to show your commitment

Do you want to combine personal pleasure and charitable commitment? Running is the perfect sport for this! More and more great causes organize solidarity races every year, like the pink ribbon challenge, which aims to raise awareness and raise funds for the fight against breast cancer. Forget the timer for a moment. moment and show your commitment with your best smile!

If you don't feel ready to take the plunge, why not give it a try walking ? This activity has many benefits for the body and allows a gentle immersion in the world of pedestrian sports.