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Adopt an anti-stress habit!

Adopt an anti-stress habit!

By dint of juggling family life and work, it was a foregone conclusion:your stress level skyrockets. So take the lead and relax! In fact, it's proven:practicing a relaxation technique on a daily basis is excellent for the body and the mind. How to find it? Meditation, relaxation and self-hypnosis:which one is really for you? Focus on three proven disciplines.

Meditation:a discipline of today that does not date from yesterday

Appearing nearly 3,000 years ago, meditation is an ancient mental discipline. Letting go, breathing and visualizing through thought are the key words. First of all, meditation is for everyone, and more particularly for people who want to learn how to manage their stress by freeing themselves from toxic and negative thoughts. Very accessible, this free discipline and requiring no equipment can be practiced anywhere and anytime.

How do we do it?

To practice meditation properly, proper posture is essential:sitting cross-legged and eyes closed, you are ready to start your session. Take a deep breath, focus on the thoughts, anxieties and feelings that are going through your mind at this precise moment, and let them go.

What does it bring you?

By significantly reducing your daily stress level, the regular practice of meditation will help you find a better quality of life and restful sleep. You will quickly notice an improvement in your ability to concentrate and prevent cardiovascular disorders.

You are just starting out :get help from the " Mindfull " and " Little bamboo " apps.

Relaxation:relaxation at your fingertips

Categorized among alternative medicines, relaxation is gaining more and more followers for the extreme feeling of well-being it brings after each session. Through work on breathing and awareness, relaxation allows deep relaxation of all parts of the body. Beneficial to all, relaxation is particularly indicated for subjects suffering from chronic stress, but can however be practiced by anyone wishing to access a feeling of fullness as well as perfect management of emotions. It is also recommended for children, especially as part of a bedtime ritual.

How do we do it?

Sitting or lying down, make yourself comfortable and adopt a deep, ventral breath. Take a deep breath in for three seconds, hold the air for about ten seconds and then exhale slowly. In the context of relaxation, the visualization of a memory or a pleasant moment can also lead to relaxation in peace.

What does it bring you?

By reducing your stress and chasing away accumulated tension, relaxation will have a positive impact on the whole body, in particular by significantly reducing blood pressure and muscle pain. It will also bring a feeling of well-being for several hours.

To help you :our favorite apps to accompany you in your spiritual quest? " Relaxation techniques " and " Kardia breathing relaxation ".

Self-hypnosis:take back control!

If we have already heard of hypnosis, self-hypnosis may still be unknown to you. This technique consists of bringing oneself to a certain state of consciousness in order to focus on a single and precise element, and thus " cut off " external stimuli. Adapted to everyone, self-hypnosis however implies a strong adhesion as well as a certain letting go of the subject for it to work. This technique also requires excellent knowledge and self-control.

How do we do it?

To enter a hypnotic state, start by setting a goal to work on:self-esteem, clearing toxic thoughts and feelings, releasing a blockage... Take a comfortable position that holds your back, adopt abdominal breathing and release the all of your muscles. Once in contact with your unconscious, speak aloud suggestions related to the defined objective, so that it becomes deeply anchored.

What does it bring you?

Self-hypnosis allows those who practice it to work at their own pace on objectives to be achieved or possible daily blocking points. This technique plunging subjects into a daze reconnects body and mind while promoting deep relaxation and an intense feeling of fullness. It also boosts self-esteem when you see yourself gradually achieving your goals.

Our little help ? The online applications " My self-hypnosis app " and " Hypnosis-relaxation ".

At what pace should they be practiced?

To maximize the positive effects of meditation, relaxation and self-hypnosis on our body and mind, a daily session is ideal. Not always easy in your daily life at a mile an hour? Start with a session of a few minutes twice a week, then gradually increase the duration:ten minutes a day are needed to start feeling the benefits! Why not include this little daily appointment with yourself in your diary?

Have you found the discipline you need? From now on, what matters is to practice regularly and to stick to it in the long term. To start, create a routine, start with very short sessions and don't try to fight your thoughts:you will soon reach your goals.