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Meditate effortlessly

Meditating makes you feel better, that is well known. You come to yourself more and eventually get energy from it. But meditation can also cost energy. Especially if the meditation is not effortless, but you have to commit to it every time.

Do you think you should meditate more often because it is good for you? And isn't it because you can't wake up in the morning, are too busy during the day, too tired at night? And then blame yourself for being too little discipline have? The idea that you should meditate when you're not doing it constantly takes energy from you. But there is a solution:effortless meditation!

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How can you meditate effortlessly from-fun?

It is of course very unfortunate if the thought of meditating already makes you tired. Meditation is aimed at giving you energy, to recharge you. However, the condition for a successful meditation is that you meditate from an inner need. Namely because you like the taste of meditation so much that you don't want to miss it. But how can you achieve that you meditate for pure pleasure? How do you get to that point? Below is an alternative idea for reaching that point.

Recognizing what is already there and making use of it

First of all, you may let go of the idea that you need to make time to meditate. If you've already tried it but can't seem to make time for it, that's the reality. Accept that you find this difficult. If you accept that making time for meditation is not effortless, you can start with this alternative.

Examine when in your daily activities there are already moments that lend themselves to an awareness exercise. This can be, for example, cycling to work, or walking the dog. The most important condition for suitable meditation moments is:you are alone , and you will not be interrupted .


If you recognize the moments that present themselves for an awareness exercise, the next step is to use them in a targeted manner. For meditation is nothing more than directing your attention from a fixed intention. If you know that the way to work is your meditation time, you will not be distracted by a text message that comes in and you can meditate effortlessly. And you won't be doing an errand soon either.

Then use this time fully to become aware of what is out there:follow your breathing, pay attention to how your body feels and moves. Look at the trees and the light of day, and when emotions and thoughts pass by, greet them for a moment and then return your attention to your bodily perceptions. This is how you become zen .

Small effort, big effect

If you consciously turn your attention inward every day while doing a simple act such as cycling, walking, folding the laundry or cutting vegetables, you have come a long way in meditating.

You will undoubtedly feel that you become calmer, more alert and more effective. In addition, you can be proud of yourself, because you are doing what you intended! And all this without any effort. Only through the intention to meditate and by using the activities that are suitable for it, it is effortless.

When you feel the beneficial effect of these moments, you get to the point where you don't want to miss them anymore. You begin to appreciate these moments of meditation more and more. And so you can get to the point where you don't just want to do the meditation during those activities, but you really want to sit down for it. Only this is no longer a "must", you have found your intrinsic motivation to meditate. Start small, for example with 2x 5 minutes a day.

And finally… if you meditate effortlessly, it also helps you do your work and other tasks with less effort and more pleasure. So you can achieve more with less effort!

Update:October 2020