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What to do about drug addiction in women in old age?

You may easily associate a drug addiction with a younger target group. Many young people are especially vulnerable to this type of addiction. To be more specific, drug addictions are more common in boys than girls. You would therefore hardly expect that drug addiction is increasing in women in old age. Unfortunately, this is the case and there is often the danger of denial.

Common cause of drug addiction in older women

By the term “older women” we mean the age group of 40 years and older. We have linked the term “older women” to this because this target group encountered drug-related problems at a much later age than is the case for women/girls on average. A common cause of drug addiction in older women is age-related. It regularly happens that women experience problems of aging and that this process is accompanied by worries, emptiness and frustration as a result of, for example, a divorce. If these feelings become too overwhelming, or the person feels that there is no one to talk to about these feelings, narcotics may take on a strong pull. These kinds of resources are often used to go through life a little more carefree and to forget everything for a while. That is of course nice for that moment, but very dangerous in the long term.

Consequences of drug addiction in women in later life

The consequences of drug addiction in women later in life can be very serious. This starts with the fact that drug addiction is seen as a taboo that is not talked about. After all, many women tend to view drug addiction as a sign of weakness or lack of character. In addition, addiction in this age group is more likely to be misdiagnosed because health care providers attribute the symptoms to age-related psychological or physical problems. It is precisely the latter that forms a barrier to the possible rehab process.

What to do in case of drug addiction in older women?

There are various routes that can be used with drug addiction as the main objective. Recovery is also possible in older women and there are a number of options in effective treatments. One of the treatments that has an effect on many people is known as "drug detox". Detox means to detox and that is exactly what the body does during a treatment. The idea behind this treatment is that with the help of detox the body can fight all the toxic substances present in the body and will remove these substances. When the body is completely clean, a process is started with the aim of also getting rid of drugs mentally.