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How to Avoid Bisphenol A before the First Bans of 2013?

How to Avoid Bisphenol A before the First Bans of 2013?

Bisphenol A, otherwise known as BPA, will finally be gradually banned in France from 2013. Having been alerted since 2010, we have tips for avoiding it now!

It has been almost three years now since the fate of BPA is debated. France was the first country to alert the European Union to its dangers. Bisphenol A is a widespread chemical component , found in cans, tins, some plastic bottles and dental composites.

Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor (which acts on hormonal balance), carcinogenic and neurotoxic .

Quick history

- July 2010:France suspends the marketing of baby bottles containing BPA

- January 2011:this measure is extended to all of Europe

- 2013:BPA containers are banned in France for children under 3 years old

- July 1, 2015:the ban will be total

Avoid BPA now

How to Avoid Bisphenol A before the First Bans of 2013?

In addition to bottles which are already Bisphenol A-free, you have to think about other food containers . This concerns the whole family, since it is used in the composition of frequent products and objects.

From 2014, labeling will be mandatory on products containing BPA. But in the meantime, when in doubt, what to do?

I, personally, have drastically reduced my consumption of canned foods .

How to replace them?

1. I prefer frozen foods and fees .

2. I never make my children drink drinks from cans and we drink water from the tap (which we can decorate while making our syrup).

If you don't trust tap water, I recommend a filter jug . They are less and less expensive, and it is better to avoid falling on a bottle of water containing BPA. Amazon link:water filter jug ​​€15.89.

Verification tip

You want to know if your food container plastic, like your bottles for example, contain Bisphenol A? Check if they have the digit 7 inside the recycling symbol, a triangle made of 3 arrows (Photo from our article). If it is there, it means that you are in the presence of Bisphenol A.

As for the sacrifice cans and cans... They will only last a little over a year now! Cheer up! And tell me if you already avoid BPA in the comments.