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Rather with your dog on the couch than with your partner?

A dog helps everyone. Personally I can agree with that, because I am a real animal lover. And crazy about dogs. However, the research conducted by the publisher of the book 'a dog helps everyone' among almost 1500 people, that surprises me!

63% of the respondents indicate that they feel better with their dog than with their partner. And when it comes to friends, they're all screwed up! 74% of participants would rather spend time with their dog than with their friends. It should also be noted here that it mainly concerns female participants who completed this survey. No idea whether this also applies to men.

A dog helps everyone

Sandra Dekker, author of the book 'A dog helps everyone', is not at all surprised by this result. As a cynological behavioral therapist and service dog coach, she now knows that a dog is invaluable.

In the hustle and bustle of our lives, it is wonderful to be with your dog. We are too busy in our heads and too much is expected of us. A dog does not go along with that and, according to Sandra, ensures that you come back to your feelings. I really understand what she means by that. It's not for nothing that I started my extensive daily walks again. To clear my head.

A dog accepts you unconditionally. I also see what our dog, for example, causes in our children. When they are angry or sad. Cuddling with the dog calms them down, so that they can better give their emotions a place. Incidentally, this gift is not only reserved for dogs, but also for other pets. Pets and children are an excellent match!

Good for your health

Dogs are also good for our health, according to the social media research. As many as 95% of those surveyed feel less lonely and happier thanks to their dog. More than 88% also say that their dog provides a good portion of daily exercise. Honesty, respect and unconditional friendship, that is the basis of the good bond between dog and human according to the participants. And watching dog movies together on the couch, of course!

A dog can also develop neurotic traits in humans. Or well… not the dog itself, but the poop bags do 😉

The book 'A dog helps everyone'

The book 'A dog helps everyone' is based on stories of service dogs. How they assist their owners in life in the field of autism or by reducing PTSD complaints. Dogs are even trained that eventually alert their owners if their blood sugar is too low!

Curious about the book? You can find it at