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7 ways to prevent workout burnout

You may be going too far. You may be expecting too much. Or you might just be bored. Whatever the reason, mental and physical burnout is quickly becoming a modern epidemic and it causes stress. While regular exercise is a proven antidote to work-induced stress, it can backfire if you challenge your body too much or keep it going for too long. So here are seven ways to protect your training from burnout.

Start slow
Treat your relationship with a new training as you would a new partner and don't go too fast in the first few weeks. Start with a few sessions a week and then build up gradually.

Set small goals
Thinking small can be the secret of success – especially when it comes to achieving your goals. So while you may want to exercise every day, put that dream down as "long term" and make it up in baby steps. So if your goal is to touch your toes, target your ankles first. Nothing kills motivation faster than disappointment.

Change the workout
Believe it or not, boredom is burnout's best friend. Keep things fresh by doing other workout exercises or classes, or exercising outside. This can breathe new life into any old routine.

Take a break
Leisure brings inspiration and new ideas, and the same principle applies to your body. Skip a workout every now and then and sleep in, watch a movie, or even go on vacation. Those in the know advise taking a week break every three to six months.

Go with a friend
Studies show that sweating in good company really boosts motivation and commitment — and can even inspire you to work harder — while the social side of working out with a friend is an instant de-stresser. Introducing a friend to your workout is a great way to rekindle your passion for it.

Plan your workouts (and don't forget the recovery days)
It pays to be organized in the fight against burnout. Knowing exactly when and where your workouts take place eliminates that tiresome 'Shall I go or not?' Make sure to vary the intensity of each workout. A rest day will rekindle your love for your workout, so don't forget it.

Yes, it's called a workout, but it doesn't have to feel like a chore. Games like Pokémon Go get a lot of people off the couch — and bouncing on a trampoline, jumping rope, or participating in a team sport can be fun. There's nothing like a little play to shake up your routine and keep workout burnout at bay.