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12 things people recognize who have gone from fat to fit

If you are fat and want to lose weight, it takes a lot of effort. You have to make a lot of lifestyle changes to achieve this goal. If you did manage to go from fat to fit, then you can certainly recognize the following things.

1. You live in constant fear of getting fat again. And you panic if you gain even half a kilo.

2. You don't call anyone fat because you know what it feels like to be called that.

3. You value the attention of the opposite sex more than usual.

4. You proudly show your before and after photos to everyone where you can. And also on every social media website.

5. If you could travel in time, you'd tell your fat self it's going to be okay.

6. You can skip a meal, but not the workout. Never the training!

7. You occasionally wear your old clothes to see how loose they are now.

8. You want to meet old friends just because you want to hear compliments on how much weight you've lost.

9. You feel guilty when you eat unhealthy food. But the foodie in you is still alive!

10. You just can't stop staring at yourself in the mirror.

11. You keep giving fitness advice to the people who don't ask.

12. You wait more eagerly for a truant day than anything else in life.