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Is my child addicted to gaming? 5 tips to deal with a gaming addiction

Just to reassure you:no – not everyone who games a lot is immediately addicted to gaming. However, do you notice that gaming is at the expense of, for example, school or social contacts? Then it is wise to ring the bell in good time. These tips can help you as a parent to manage your child's gaming behavior.

Playing is no longer just playing outside. The digital version is fun, modern and, not unimportantly, all peers do it too. If I would get a euro for every time I hear 'so-and-so can also play tonight', I wouldn't have to work anymore!

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When is your child addicted to gaming? Keep an eye on this!

Gaming, and even a lot of gaming, should therefore not necessarily be a problem. However, in some cases it is used as an escape from reality, for example when factors such as peer pressure loom. We then speak of obsessive gaming – and that can of course cause the necessary problems and lead to a gaming addiction.

Even if you notice that your child is in social isolation It's time for you to take action. There is a good chance that your child will otherwise become addicted to gaming.

Is the personal care of your child deterioratingForget to eat your child and it totally no longer makes sense to do anything else then gaming? Then it is not surprising that you as a parent are concerned. In fact, it is completely justified, because these are real signs of a gaming addiction.

Do you see your child becoming addicted to gaming, using gaming as an excuse, sleeps badly and do you notice social isolation and huge boredom when the gaming is not available? Then you may find these tips useful.

5 tips to tackle game addiction

1. Set clear rules in advance

Prevention is of course always better than cure. So set clear rules about the use of the game computer in advance and use a maximum allowed number of game hours per day. Finally, don't let your kids eat sweets all day long – just to name a few.

Just setting rules is of course not enough, make sure that you comply with these rules to prevent an addiction to gaming.

2. Know what you are talking about

Learn about the subject of gaming and discuss it with your child. You will find various tutorials on YouTube that simply guide you through the game your child is playing. And 'I hear you'... if you're not into gaming, this can be a daunting task, but a very important one!

3. Talk about gaming and possibilities to be/become addicted

Always make sure you know what keeps your child busy and what exactly appeals to them in the game. In other words:make the subject negotiable.

4. Keep an eye out for signs of a possible addiction

As we mentioned, your child is not just addicted to gaming. Not everything is immediately an addiction. However, characteristics such as little sleep, mood swings and neglect of social life do indicate a possible addiction.

5. Offers variety if your child becomes addicted to gaming

As difficult as it can be at times, variety is the trick. I can't say that I never worry about a possible addiction to gaming in this house. But the moment I doubt my children's use of time, I go to work myself.

Time for variety. Play a game with the children, go into the woods with the dog, let them help around the house. Whatever! As long as there is some variation in behaviour. This will be very difficult at first, but it will get better, I promise!

Ring the bell in time if you suspect gaming addiction!

Do you think your child is addicted to gaming? Then call in professional help in time. In that case, your GP can refer you to various authorities. You can also enable parties such as Trubendorffer.