Family Best Time >> Health

Cookies, sweets and savory snacks… I just can't keep my hands off them!

Happy in shape. It sounds great, but gosh, it's always a challenge for me. I don't want to be spastic about not snacking, but I'm having a sugar rush right now. Do you recognize that too? I am regularly packed with good ideas about a better and healthier lifestyle, but just as often I see them go overboard. Why? Mmmm, lack of backbone, too busy a life, too much fun, motherhood. Just a few of the culprits who always kill my good plans.

Nynke recently wrote a hilarious blog about a temporary mental breakdown as a result of her body after pregnancy. Well, I can tell you:this is a 'been there, done that' case for me! How many times have I thought that I have taken the right path to a new 'happy in shape' body with all the accompanying feelings… tsss.

Table of Contents

Happy in shape, what is that?

Being happy in shape has for me a combination of elements. It is the translation to 'feel good in your own skin'. You don't always have to be very slim for that (although I wouldn't have any problems with that myself 😛 ). What is important is that you feel healthy, fit and energetic. That you don't feel exhausted in the evening. Not even if you've had to run after your monkeys all day, or if you've worked hard. That you feel beautiful the way you are.

That is where my goal lies. I understand that -if I feel that way- I benefit a lot from it and that automatically  more comes out of your hands. Me like!

But how do I get to this point? At the moment I experience the opposite at times. I work too long, like to drink a glass of wine and the candy drawer? Well, let's say it never stays full for long.

Especially the sports moments that fail first when the pressure in my life increases. For example, because of too many deadlines in too short a time. But also because of all the vicissitudes surrounding Luc and his school advice. Today I resolve to start exercising regularly again and to exercise more… in a few weeks I will have had such a choice moment several times in which I hear myself thinking:'Am I going to exercise now or tonight? Nah, let me go tonight because I still have so much to do." And you can guess what happens in the evening…

Looking for my energy

In addition, at busy moments I experience that I look for 'comfort' in sweets (yes duhuh, I'm also a woman) and in wine (i.e. wife and mother). If I do have to work in the evening, then preferably with a glass of wine.

Furthermore, there is always something! For example, I had to reduce my running moments due to injuries (even though I sometimes try to slowly build it up again) and I actually hate sports, but I thought that Fit30 would be the solution. What I notice, however, is that I… the more time-bound I am with my exercise… the sooner I give up. I am a solo athlete. I should be able to go when I want and not have to wait because a gym isn't open. Or have to wait because the children have not yet gone to school.

And that substance that is released during running that makes you so addicted to running? I. HAVE GOT. WHICH. NOT. Everything I do, I do because I think I need to get in shape. But getting in shape happily is not. No, leave that happy. But of course…. When I'm in better shape, I feel better too. Am I more energetic. Am I going to eat more consciously? And I enjoy it more consciously. I all know exactly how it works. But past experiences are no guarantee for the future. Unfortunately.

Try the sum with Modifast

Admittedly, I usually do this better in the summer than in the winter. The warm weather ensures that I eat healthier, but also that I drink more water, for example. Too bad but unfortunately, this year the scales show something different (73 kg, brrr). And despite the fact that in the first place feeling more energetic is paramount for me, that weight… something has to be done about that. I am therefore looking for a boost!

So we're going to put it to the test to get in shape happily as a result of a proposal from Modifast. Whether I want to participate to get in better shape with their latest product the Modifast Protein shape? Uhhh, yes please 😉 !

What am I going to do?

I received a package from Modifast with shakes, bars and cookies in it. That doesn't sound wrong . A protein milkshake for lunch (with a responsible salad of course), a chocolate bar in between and a cookie with chocolate pieces in it for coffee. I think that's how I get through my day.

I would like to get rid of my sugar rush and get through the day more energetically. With normal food, preferably with a little more vegetables than I already did (because we don't eat bad food here in the house), feel fit, have energy for 10 and above all:no more tasty appetite! That is my culprit, the enemy!

I know all too well how to do it. Sweets make me want more and more sweets. That eternal appetite and that eternal guilt when I have eaten something tasty. I want from there! Not just for myself by the way. I also notice in my adolescent that he grabs sugars too easily. From now on, there is significantly less in the candy drawer. And what is there… I want to be able to stay away from that myself.

What I expect?

I expect to experience some sort of initial boost. That the products give me a boost because the tasty appetite disappears and I can still enjoy the chocolate flavor every now and then without that feeling of guilt. That the Sugar Rush is decreasing and I am slowly getting my eating pattern under control again. And a very nice side effect; that it doesn't take too much time for me 😛 .

If you want to participate

If you want to join me, be my guest! You can find more information at Modifast on the website. You can find the products at various drugstores, but you can also order them online. I personally find it more pleasant in this case because I can already feel those eyes piercing when I'm at the cash register 😉 . Speaking of pressure…

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