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Anti stress tips to make your December month (and mine) go relaxed

My son has been looking forward to Christmas for weeks, if not months. “Especially because then you get presents under the tree,” I suggest. But it turns out I'm wrong. “I always like it so much,” Sam says. “With the Christmas tree and all those lights. And having fun with the family.” While he says this, he looks away dreamily. My heart melts. Sam is just as much of a family person as I am. And Christmas, I'm looking forward to that too. Not so much Christmas itself, but the weeks leading up to the coziest time of the year. Especially now that the weather is getting bad, I long for mulled wine, a fireplace, pajama pants and a cat on my lap. At the same time, a stress button hits me. Because December doesn't just mean a little cocooning at home, no, a lot has to be done too. Hence anti-stress tips.

Table of contents

December pressure

The stress button is red hot and anti-stress tips are desperately needed. It's almost December again. From work-related end-of-year drinks to semi-mandatory five-course dinners. And from celebrations-at-school-where-the-help-of-parents-is-highly-desired-to putting together Christmas packages. And I haven't even mentioned the 'simple' obligations:presents, for in the bag, for under the tree, a perfect LBD and the strict planning of 'who is with whom and when and what to take with you'. Last year I made a list of anti-stress tips and I'll tell you why.

Read also: Reducing stress by making stress your ally

Flights during Christmas

I suddenly understand again why I left my family two years ago during the Christmas holidays. Just two weeks in a cottage by the sea. Christmas Eve we went out for dinner in a child-friendly restaurant. We spent Christmas Day in pajamas. What a relief. No obligation. No hysterical purchases. Not a tight schedule. Anti-stress at its best!

Displaced by missing family

Still, something gnawed at me during those days. I missed my mother's perfect house-in-Christmas style, where half the family lived at that moment, enjoying the Kirr Royal served upon arrival. the year was evaluating. I missed my brother's lame talk and the way only he can make me laugh to tears. The hysteria surrounding the unwrapping of the presents under the tree. Every year it is said that the following year we buy less presents for each other. Nevertheless, there are more every year. And not just because new family members are added all the time. In short, I felt displaced. As if I hadn't had a real Christmas. The advantage of being away for Christmas is that you learn to appreciate even the most annoying things again. something like that. No anti-stress can compete with that.

So the following year I was just present again in December and due to all the associated December stress I was in a continuous state of PMS. While I cursed myself for making those intricate Christmas cakes for Sam's Christmas dinner at school—why hadn't I opted for the simple 'ready-made pancakes' or 'ranja&cups?' – I was trying to figure out a route in my head. through the city, where I could buy presents for more than ten people in a run. I just want to indicate that the stress was up to this point and I was annoyed by everyone who threw a spanner in the works.

Anti stress tips for my (and your) December month

The day after Christmas, as I shoved a kilo of lost pine needles under the rug with my foot and was disappointed with the two kilos I had gained in a week, I decided to do it differently next year. I made a list of anti-stress points to eliminate the December stress as much as possible in 2016. Now that November has arrived, it is time to pick up these wise tips-to-myself and stick to them, I want to do better this year.

No rearing behavior

I don't allow myself to be bullied by others. And certainly not by those who both send home-made Christmas cards and make three über-healthy gluten-free dishes without added sugars for Christmas dinner at school and who appear at every New Year's Eve drink with a straight smile on their faces. I refuse to allow myself to be raised and burdened with guilt. I don't send Christmas cards (only to my grandmother of 92 years), I make exactly one dish for Christmas dinner at school, with gluten, with sugar and with lactose and I only go to the drinks of people who are really important to me, in other words, I visit two.

Getting presents in time

I start in good time (read:now) with stocking up presents. Not only for my son and boyfriend, but also for my parents, brother, sister-in-law, the neighbor, the teachers at school… In short, I have made a list of everyone who should or expect to receive something. And every time I buy something in advance, so that I don't have to bump into the ultimate shopping madness during the extra shopping evenings in the last week that surpasses the Drie-Mad-Dwaze-Days of the Bijenkorf.

A running buffet instead of a six-course dinner

For everyone where we eat, I propose to make a buffet, for which everyone makes something and takes it with them. So not:sitting out six courses of frills at a perfectly set table. But:grab what you like and in the meantime walk around with your snacks and glass of wine. Also great for all the children in the company. (Obviously I only bring food, which I'm sure the kids will love. Chicken nuggets. Snowman ice creams. Pizza rolls.)

Planning my own Christmas vacation

Planning Christmas holidays. As an independent entrepreneur, it is not suddenly a holiday, nor do you get paid for two weeks resting on your laurels. No, you will have to consult with your clients yourself to build in a week of rest. Get rid of stress. So far I have never managed to do that and I will be working until December 24, to get to the 27 e to continue again. As a result, on Christmas Eve, an hour before leaving for my family, I quickly touch up my make-up and exchange my clothes for a festive outfit.

The perfect LBD

Which immediately clarifies action point 5:looking in time for a beautiful and well-fitting LBD, which – especially after a pack of Christmas wreaths and a bottle of champagne – manages to cover up a round belly well.

Read also: How do you deal with Christmas stress?

Still acute December stress? 5 extreme tips!

Finally, in case of acute December stress, I have some other, less obvious and less chic solutions to calm yourself again:

Get invited

Invite yourself to Sinterklaas, Christmas and/or New Year's Eve, preferably with your parents and stay the night there. The best stress reliever ever. They will really be delighted to talk to you all evening, to take care of you and to bring everything into your home that you like. Bring a beautiful bunch of flowers, a good bottle of wine or 'I love you' in chocolate letters. If it concerns New Year's Eve, you take care of the fireworks or the oliebollen.

Muck out wardrobe

Even if it's been on your to-do list for weeks, if not months, and you still haven't gotten around to it; it is worth cleaning out that wardrobe before December. You often come across items of clothing that you bought last year in a fit of madness and that suddenly turn out to be very suitable for Christmas dinner or the end-of-year drink.

Pyjama week

Go pajama pants-style:you celebrate all holidays in your pajama pants, preferably on the couch and with your lovely roommates in ditto clothing style. Guaranteed an excellent anti-stress tip. Why should you have to stuff yourself with liflafjes and culinary delights? Comfort food will do the job! #nomakeup #nofilters

Saint goes back to basic

Sinterklaas eve-back-to-basic, especially if you no longer have religious children. Warm up a can of pea soup, throw some speculaas in a bowl, pour in some chocolate milk or hot mulled wine and arrange a few small, predictable gifts (I-tunes card, book voucher or socks). Ready!


Hibernate and wake up – at the earliest – on January 6th. #WhatDidIMiss? #Is it Friday yet? #Yes!

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