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5 Tips To Make Your Life Easier Before Baby Arrives.

5 Tips To Make Your Life Easier Before Baby Arrives.

Six weeks (not counting any fifteen days of pathological leave) to spend at home while expecting Baby… If, like me, you are worried about getting bored, here are five ideas to keep you busy and optimize your maternity leave.

The mere idea of ​​spending eight weeks at home before giving birth is enough to plunge me into complete disarray, with only one question that haunts me:"but what am I going to be able to do during my maternity leave ? "

Fortunately, even before I stopped working, I had already planned a plan of attack, with very specific ideas.

1 . Finish Baby's Room.

Now that Dad has (finally!) finished repainting the walls and assembling the furniture in the bedroom, I can start decorating the bedroom.

Cute little stickers to decorate the walls, of course, but also salvage boxes to store socks in drawers or even a homemade diaper bin, I have tons of ideas for little crafts to best fit out the room of my little Loulou.

2 . Collect Samples to Complete Maternity Suitcase.

Since I have time to kill, I might as well use it! I intend to take the opportunity to go around the brands that I have not yet asked if they offer birth boxes.

Bottles, bibs, diapers, these free boxes will allow me to complete my suitcase for maternity, without spending a penny of my budget!

3 . Cooking and Freezing for my Return from Maternity.

Even if it means being at home, you might as well cook good meals. I'm going to take advantage of these few weeks to plan ahead and be able to freeze trays that will be welcome when I return from the maternity ward.

Stuffed vegetables, shepherd's pie, beef bourguignon, many dishes can be frozen and will allow me to have peace of mind to devote myself to my baby when I return from the maternity ward.

4 . Make Big Purchases that don't expire.

Honestly, do you think I'll want to think about buying washing powder or bottles of orange juice when I get home? Rather than pushing my man out of the house when he too wants to stay with his son, I'm now shopping for cleaning products and drinks , which I manage to store in the back of a closet or in my garage.

I save time and save myself a lot of unplanned outings to the supermarket!

5 . Preparing Birth Announcements.

Homemade or ordered from a professional, announcements always require a minimum of organization. I am personally not manual enough to start making them, but I intend, as soon as the model has been chosen at the printer, to request the immediate delivery of the envelopes.

I will thus be able to take advantage of the days preceding the birth to quietly write down the addresses and all you have to do is slip in the announcements when Baby is born.

And you, how did you spend your days during your maternity leave? I can't wait to read the new ideas you leave me in the comments!