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This is why pregnant women sometimes have a stripe on their stomach

This is why pregnant women sometimes have a stripe on their stomach

A belly looks different on every pregnant woman. Some women have a brown stripe across their abdomen. We explain what it is.


There is no need to worry, as many women have such a stretch mark, also known as linea nigra ('black line' in Latin). Usually the stripe runs from your pubic area to your navel, but sometimes it extends to your breasts. In most women, the stripe is brown and about one centimeter wide.

More pigment

The stretch mark usually appears in the middle of pregnancy. As the amount of estrogen rises, your body makes more melanin (an organic pigment). That means that some areas on your body become darker. Even if you are not pregnant, such a line can form. The stretch mark can darken in the sun. After giving birth, it gradually disappears again.

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