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This is how long a massage should take to really relax

This is how long a massage should take to really relax

Do you also like a massage and can it last for hours? That is very nice, but a massage does not have to take that long before you really relax.

Research at the University of Konstanz in Germany shows that just ten minutes of massage provides the necessary relaxation of your nervous system.

Read also: 'This is why a massage is so good for you'


For the study, a group of sixty women was divided into three. A group had to massage the head and neck. Another group had to massage the shoulders and neck, but in a gentler way than the first group. The third group had to sit in silence without massaging.

The researchers analyzed the degree of relaxation via the heart rate and the heart rate variability of the participants.

Ten minutes

It was striking that all three groups were a lot more relaxed after ten minutes. The groups that had to massage themselves were even more relaxed than the green that sat in silence.

According to researcher Maria Meier, a visit to a spa is a treat for yourself, but not really necessary if you want to completely relax. According to her, it is enough if someone gently rubs your shoulders or if you lie in bed for a while, it is effective enough.

Massage yourself

No one around to massage you? Don't panic, because you can do that yourself with these fine massage devices:

Neck and shoulders


Foot massage