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3 benefits of pineapple juice

3 benefits of pineapple juice

Mmm, you say summer, you say fruit! Although this yellow fruit is welcome on the table in every season:in solid or liquid form. Today we zoom in on the health benefits of pineapple juice.

Nice on a warm day, nice to serve when you have visitors and last but not least a nice snapshot for your socials:pineapple juice. You may have heard left and right that it is healthy, we now explain why.

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It's quite a mouthful, but then you have something. This substance helps your digestion and breaks down fatty meals better for you. Bromelain is therefore one to keep an eye on. And what a bonus that it also tastes good.

the brake on it

Anti-inflammatory then, because that's what it is, pineapple and pineapple juice! Are you feeling a bit snotty or is the flu starting to set in? A slice of pineapple or glass of pineapple juice can work wonders. Not only because pineapple is rich in vitamin c, but also because it has anti-inflammatory talents.


Not convinced yet? Drinking pineapple juice also helps purify your blood, renew your cells and support your organs that excrete waste. For example, your kidneys and liver are happy if you take some of the yellow stuff, because they work more efficiently.

PS if you find pineapple juice a bit too intense in taste, you can also make pineapple water:use half a pineapple and cut it (with the skin, cut carefully!) into pieces, put the pieces in a pan with water and bring it to a low heat to the boil, for about 5 minutes, then let everything cool in the pan until it is drinkable, then strain the water and pour yourself a glass – the amount in the pan will easily last you a whole day of pineapple water drink, health!