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How to choose your thalassotherapy centre?

How to choose your thalassotherapy centre?

The many seafronts and the professionalism of its services undoubtedly explain why France is one of the European countries where there are the most thalassotherapy centres, which does not help in deciding on a destination. . But what are the criteria for choosing these establishments?

The place

When we talk about thalassotherapy centres, we immediately think of establishments located by the sea. However, France is also famous for its spas. Be that as it may, to properly organize your thalassotherapy and spa stays, the best establishments in France, but also several renowned structures located abroad, are listed on this site.

Indeed, the geographical location is quite simply the first parameter to take into consideration when choosing a center. Thus, if you only have two or three days, prefer establishments located on French territory, if possible near your place of residence, this will save you from traveling miles.

But the climate of the region will also play an important role. Especially suitable for cures of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation, the sea air of the Mediterranean would be both soothing and calming. People who suffer from stress or insomnia will prefer, for example, the cities of Fréjus, Hyères, Sainte-Marie de la Mer or Bandol.

The establishment

Atlantic or Mediterranean sea, once the destination has been determined, the next step is the selection of the center. How to choose between establishments that already have a storefront and those that have just opened? Already, remove from your list all the brands that have not obtained the approval of the Official Union of Thalassotherapy in France .

This accreditation is indeed the guarantee that the center meets very strict quality standards. It is also essential to find out about the installation and the equipment used by the center. Fortunately, now all establishments have their own website, full of information. This makes it easier to get an idea.

How to choose your thalassotherapy centre?

But also find out if the resort also provides accommodation on site. Otherwise, you have to take care of your hotel yourself. And these will also be additional expenses.

The thalasso cures

Finally, one of the important criteria is the nature of the cures. Define the reasons and reasons for your stay. Each center has its own specialty. While some excel in beauty treatments, others excel in quitting smoking aids and support, for example. Otherwise, many establishments offer outright prevention or treatment of certain diseases and pathologies.

To guide you in your choice, you can seek advice from the International Federation of Thalassotherapy. Heavy legs, back pain, detox, fitness, young mother, vitality... Regardless of the essence of the cure, the treatments offered are generally much the same, whether collective or individual.

However, before starting their cure, each spa client will systematically have to go through a short medical examination after which a very personalized program will be defined, depending on the state of health and the expectations of the person.