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Quarantine pitfalls (drinking wine in your dressing gown at the bottom)

Although the Dutch lockdown is not that bad compared to that of other countries, we are all having a hard time with it. Because secretly we like a bit of structure and regularity in our country. All that is now gone, and we are literally on our own. And then there are immediately a number of quarantine pitfalls lurking…

How do you behave when you no longer have to be parked behind a desk in time? And, how do the children actually behave, if the same applies to them? Life is turned upside down, and before you know it you're drinking wine in your dressing gown.

Table of Contents

Quarantine with a smile and a tear

The corona crisis is not to be trifled with. Here in Brabant everyone now knows someone, even if it is via via, who died of this fucking disease (sorry, as far as I'm concerned the only correct term). And besides, we all know people we shouldn't see. That hurts. And so, in addition to all those tears, it is time for a laugh in times of crisis. And with a list of quarantine pitfalls that might also look familiar to you… Because you may have already fallen for them!

Quarantine pitfalls:don't fall for them (too deep)!

We might think (or found, until we went into lockdown) ourselves to be a free people… It only takes one pavement tile wrong or a number of Dutch people will fall over. We like order, and we like structure. All that is now, to put it bluntly, pretty much on its ass. And once you're in quarantine – if you can call this intellectual lockdown that at all – there are a number of pitfalls lurking. In itself no world disasters, although you may have to scratch yourself with the second bottle of wine.

Pit 1:grease and dead spots

If all vital professions have to continue, Mr. Rutte:why is my hairdresser closed then? I'm in my hair. There is no longer a model available, and the desire to wash it is also starting to disappear…

Look after! Don't fall into this quarantine trap:it's tempting to walk around without a bra and with greasy hair all day if you don't go out. Not good for your family (it starts to smell after a few weeks) but not good for you either. Just keep taking that me-time, and spoil yourself with a good spa session. Then a treatment at home! Call in your sweetheart for a nice massage afterwards, and for your crazy hairstyle there are hair bands and braids. Putting on a nice outfit or sexy lingerie is also good for you – even if no one sees it. Except you!

Pit 2:boredom

No matter how many hobbies you have, at some point boredom sets in. No need:just find a new hobby! To give you some inspiration, you will find a handy list of inspiration below:

  • playing 'old-fashioned' games together at the kitchen table
  • water games in the garden and other outdoor games
  • make a jigsaw puzzle
  • plant a vegetable garden in the garden

And let's not forget the mommy-me-time:

  • no children's coloring page for a while, be creative for yourself
  • enchant your balcony into a paradise
  • read a good book
  • Take a relaxing bath

Pitfall 3:go ahead

Let me state one thing first:we all LOVE our children. But it might be a good thing that those schools will open again in May! Another request to Mr Rutte:please give all teachers that well-deserved salary increase. That's what I was there for anyway... But in these times you realize how hard it normally is for them 😉 .

And your children are around all day, which also includes quarantine pitfalls. In the beginning you were still on top of everything, but after weeks of almost only hearing the word "mama" you just feel like locking yourself in the toilet all day? A soundproof toilet. And so you become a little more indulgent… Give in a little more… And turn a blind eye every now and then.

But be aware… this crisis will soon be over and you will be left with unmanageable monsters. Rather let them wash the car for a few euros and pour yourself a quarantine wine! Although that does lead us to the next pitfall…

Pit 4:holiday mood

If, like me, you still have to go to work every now and then, it still looks like summer vacation when you look around you outside. As if the rest of the country hangs out at French campsites, so to speak. And if you no longer have to work yourself, you would certainly wish you were lying by a swimming pool. But unfortunately. We all have to make do with our own garden or our own balcony.

Although the toilet paper and potato shelves are sometimes empty, there is – huh! – still have enough to drink. And since that holiday mood is still bubbling up a bit, it's best to have a drink later. However? And if it's really nice in the evening sun, maybe even one.

Another one of the quarantine pitfalls... All together with uncut hair, knocking back bottles of wine is not the solution, dear reader! Although a good Crisis Chardonnay makes it all a bit more bearable, doesn't it? Anyway, save some bottles for those friends nights that will come again in the future! Because even during a lockdown in times of crisis, a hangover is the last thing you can use. Which brings us to the next pitfall.

Quarantine pitfalls number 5:not today

Whether you're at home with the whole family, working at home, or still have to go to work every day... These quarantine times bring even more mental pitfalls. You get out of sync. I don't know about you, but I think with some regularity:"not today". Especially after a night of crisis Chardonnays 😉. And if you also have a creative profession, the inspiration is hard to find. Before you know it, you'll be watching endless cat videos or shopping online.

Tip:enjoy your newfound mentality, because you are now semi-officially a Southern European! On the other hand:don't forget that life goes on and you will also need clean underpants tomorrow. Or that you still have to work. Maybe you should write another blog… Here's this one! The Chardonnay crisis awaits…