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Does it help to pee over a jellyfish bite?

Does it help to pee over a jellyfish bite?

Read this article before you let yourself pee (or pee on someone).

According to research published two years ago in the scientific journal Toxins, there is no point in peeing over a jellyfish bite. They have done research by trying different remedies on a jellyfish sting.

Urine had no positive effect on a jellyfish bite, and in some cases made the biting sensation worse. The composition of urine can vary from person to person. It depends, for example, on what you have eaten and whether you have drunk enough. Urine can in some cases contain chemical compounds that cause the skin under the jellyfish bite to burn more.

Peeing over a jellyfish bite does not help, so what do you do?

Do not scrape the tentacles of the jellyfish as is sometimes recommended. Gently lift the tentacles with tweezers. Treat the affected skin with vinegar. Is there no vinegar nearby? Then use warm water. Note:use none seawater.

Read also: 5 frequently asked questions about jellyfish bites