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Day at the beach? This is what you need to know about jellyfish bites

Day at the beach? This is what you need to know about jellyfish bites

You are looking forward to a wonderful day by the sea, but hey! You spot jellyfish. How much harm can they actually do and is it true that peeing over a jellyfish bite helps with the pain?

Anyone who regularly visits a Dutch beach has also spotted a jellyfish. Or two, or ten. When there is an offshore wind, they regularly appear along the coastline and oh, how annoying it can be to get such a bite of the slippery sea creatures!

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Bite =stab

Just to clear up a misconception right away. We almost all speak of a jellyfish bite, but in fact it is a sting. A jellyfish does not bite, but it does sting. They have venom glands in their tentacles. Such a gland shoots a tiny arrow full of poison when it comes into contact with your skin. Sounds scarier than it is. It usually causes redness, itching and some pain at most, but it is not dangerous. Hopefully from now on we will be able to say jellyfish stings instead of jellyfish bites.

Pee over it

It is a memory that is etched in some of us:after a jellyfish sting, getting the tip to pee over the sting. It is a bit dirty. But does it really help? Not according to dermatologist Patrick Kemperman. He calls it nonsense, a myth. The acid in the urine could actually amplify your pain a bit. So let it sit, that pee.

A prepared person

Counts for two. Check for the current situation of the beach you would like to visit. Bring your flip flops, sandals or water shoes. Also a good idea for a short walk on the beach. And don't poke at jellyfish that have already washed up and seem lifeless. They can still sting.

Still a stitch?

It is best not to rub it, even if it is itchy. This will only spread the poison further. What is sensible is to rinse with plenty of warm water. A temperature of 45 degrees for 20 minutes will help. Or slightly less hot, if your skin can tolerate it better. The venom glands are rendered inactive by the warm rinsing. After one day, the intensity of the itching and pain has decreased considerably in most people. If your complaints worsen, you can call your doctor for advice.