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Child with a fever:when should you call the doctor?

Child with a fever:when should you call the doctor?

Many parents who visit the emergency room with a feverish child are sent home because fortunately nothing is wrong. It remains difficult to determine whether a fever is harmless or whether there is something more serious behind it.

The Rotterdam Sophia Children's Hospital is therefore working on a website for worried parents with information about fever. Many parents don't know what to watch out for when they have a fever. For example, crying loudly can seem alarming, but a child who is very calm can be apathetic and that is precisely one of the characteristics that there is more to it.

According to a pediatrician at the hospital, it almost never happens that one characteristic confirms or excludes a serious infection. If a child has a fever, but eats, drinks, plays and urinates normally, there is less cause for major concern. The difficult thing is that there are still parents who seek help too late and that must of course be prevented.

The website should contain information about fever, but also videos that clarify when you should go to the doctor with a fever.