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Does it make sense to put toilet paper on the seat?

Does it make sense to put toilet paper on the seat?

Do you ever cover the toilet seat of a public toilet with toilet paper before you sit down?

It makes little sense. A toilet seat is designed in such a way that bacteria do not survive for long. In some other places there are even more bacteria. When you flush the toilet, bacteria end up on the wall and… on the toilet paper. Bacteria on toilet paper live longer than on a toilet seat.

It's nothing to worry about
We find public toilets especially dirty, the chance that you will get sick from the bacteria is really very small. What is important:wash your hands after visiting the toilet. You touch your face and mouth with your hands – sometimes unconsciously – behind which lies the greatest danger of getting sick. But even then:your body will be able to make most bacteria harmless before you get sick from them.