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Why stress isn't always bad

Why stress isn t always bad

You don't have to get rid of your stress, you have to learn to deal with it better.

We'll be honest, at Santé we have written enough about stress and especially about how to get rid of it. But according to Kelly McGonical, the author of the book The Upside of Stress, we shouldn't try to get rid of our stress at all.

Stress is part of it
Stress shows that you are human. It's part of life and it's a very normal emotion. It shows that you took a risk, took a step or simply care about your work, your life or your family.

Why are you stressed?
According to Kelly, it's best to ask yourself why you're stressed. The answer can be different for everyone:because you want to do your job well, because you are a mother and that sometimes brings stress.

Don't avoid stress
Instead of avoiding or trying to get rid of stress, admit that you are under stress and find out why it bothers you.

What do you do when you are stressed?