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How do I sustain smoking cessation?

How do I sustain smoking cessation?

In the new year I have stopped smoking, but I find it difficult to keep up. What could help me?


Drugstore Linda gives advice: Anyone who wants to quit smoking would do well to be properly informed. There are various tools on the market. There are patches, chewing gum, lozenges and sprays that can help reduce the need for a cigarette.

Nicotine patch and chewing gum
It is easier to stop smoking with the help of nicotine patches or chewing gum. Nicotine patches, chewing gum and lozenges come in different milligrams. The amount of cigarettes you normally smoke per day determines which strength is the best to start with. For example, someone who smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day starts with the strongest patches of 21 mg. This strength is then reduced to 14 and possibly 7 mg during the next three months.

How do nicotine patches and chewing gum work? The chewing gum or lozenges are ideal if you suddenly feel the need for a cigarette. The therapeutic nicotine is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream through the oral mucosa and reduces the feeling of rest. The chewing gum is available in 1, 2 or 4 mg and in different flavors. Feel free to ask for advice from your recognized specialist in self-care in the drugstore and be informed about the use of nicotine preparations and the additional rules and advice.

Help in the back
If you are going to stop smoking, it is wise to inform those around you, so that they can support you in difficult moments. Also give yourself a helping hand by, for example, hanging a sheet of paper on the fridge with the reasons why you want to stop. This reminds you daily.

Break the habit
It is important to seek distraction when you feel the urge for a cigarette. Go for a walk, garden, do a crossword puzzle or drive a different route home. In short, change your mind. It can also help to have a glass of water ready on your desk so that you can drink water whenever you feel like a cigarette. If you miss holding a cigarette in your hands, you can take a toothpick or a piece of licorice, for example. Simple, but effective.

Be careful with sweets
When you stop smoking, your taste buds change so that you taste more. Because everything tastes better, the kilos can fly. Therefore, eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. It is tempting to quickly eat a licorice when you feel the urge for a cigarette, but instead have a few snack tomatoes, a handful of (unsalted) nuts or some fruit. Also try to move as much as possible in your daily life, for example by taking the bike when shopping or taking the stairs at work.

In short, there are countless possibilities to make it easier to quit smoking. Get good advice then there is a great chance of success!

How do I sustain smoking cessation?
Who is Linda?

Linda is a certified druggist and works in a drugstore with the Certified Specialist in Self-Care quality mark, which is the quality mark for good advice on over-the-counter medicines. On you can find out which drugstores in your area have this quality mark and what you as a customer can expect from these drugstores.

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