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50 Foods Super Good For Your Health (And Very Often Cheap).

50 Foods Super Good For Your Health (And Very Often Cheap).

If we want to have a peach of hell and pamper our body from the inside, we need to eat healthy!

And eating healthy means favoring foods full of nutrients, not too high in calories, with good fats...

Yes, but here it is; what are these foods that are beneficial to our health and our organism?

Well, look no further; I'll list the products that you absolutely must have on your shopping list!

In addition, we indicate for each food which ones are not expensive.

Discover the list of 50 foods that are super good for your health (and very often cheap). Watch:

50 Foods Super Good For Your Health (And Very Often Cheap).

  • 1. Apples (cheap)
  • 2. Lawyers
  • 3. Bananas (cheap)
  • 4. Blueberries
  • 5. Oranges (cheap)
  • 6. Strawberries
  • Other healthy fruits
  • 7. Eggs (cheap)
  • 8. Lean beef
  • 9. Chicken breasts (cheap)
  • 10. Lamb
  • 11. Almonds
  • 12. Chia seeds (cheap)
  • 13. Coconut
  • 14. Macadamia nuts
  • 15. Hazelnuts (cheap)
  • 16. Asparagus
  • 17. Peppers (cheap)
  • 18. Broccoli (cheap)
  • 19. Carrots (cheap)
  • 20. Cauliflower (cheap)
  • 21. Cucumber (cheap)
  • 22. Garlic (cheap)
  • 23. Kale
  • 24. Onions (cheap)
  • 25. Tomatoes (cheap)
  • Other healthy vegetables
  • 26. Salmon
  • 27. Sardines (cheap)
  • 28. Shells
  • 29. Shrimp
  • 30. Trout (cheap)
  • 31. Tuna (cheap)
  • 32. Brown rice (cheap)
  • 33. Oats (cheap)
  • 34. Quinoa (cheap)
  • 35. Ezekiel Bread
  • 36. Homemade bread (cheap)
  • 37. Green beans (cheap)
  • 38. Kidney beans (cheap)
  • 39. Lenses (cheap)
  • 40. Peanuts (cheap)
  • 41. Cheese
  • 42. Whole milk (cheap)
  • 43. Yogurt (cheap)
  • 44. Butter (cheap)
  • 45. Coconut Oil
  • 46. Olive Oil
  • 47. Potatoes (cheap)
  • 48. Sweet potatoes (cheap)
  • 49. Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 50. Dark chocolate (cheap)


Fruits and berries are among the most popular diet foods in the world.

These sweet and nutritious foods fit easily into our diet.

They require little or no preparation.

1. Apples (cheap)

Apples are high in fiber, vitamin C and contain antioxidants.

They are very filling and are a perfect snack if you feel hungry between meals.

So let's eat apples, but not just any! Preferably organic apples.

Otherwise, remember to clean them before eating them with baking soda to remove as much pesticide as possible.

2. Lawyers

Avocados are different from other fruits because they are high in healthy fats instead of carbs.

Not only are they creamy and tasty, but they are also rich in fibre, potassium and vitamin C.

3. Bananas (cheap)

Bananas are among the best sources of potassium in the world.

They are also rich in vitamin B6 and fibre, and are practical and easy to carry.

4. Blueberries

Blueberries are not only delicious, but also among the most powerful sources of antioxidants in the world .

5. Oranges (cheap)

Oranges are known for their high vitamin C content.

They are rich in fiber and antioxidants.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries are very nutritious and low in carbohydrates and calories.

They are loaded with vitamin C, fiber and manganese.

Strawberries are arguably one of the most delicious foods around.

Other healthy fruits

Other beneficial fruits and berries include cherries, grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, lemons...

... mangoes, melons, olives, peaches, pears, pineapples, plums and raspberries.

7. Eggs (cheap)

Eggs are part of food the most nutritious of the planet.

Previously criticized for being high in cholesterol, studies (here and here) show they are safe.

To be consumed without moderation, especially at breakfast.


Unprocessed, gently cooked meat is one of the most nutritious foods so you can eat.

8. Lean beef

Pieces of lean beef are one of the best sources of protein and iron available.

But if you're on a low carb diet, you can still choose higher fat cuts.

9. Chicken breasts (cheap)

Chicken breasts are low in fat and calories, but extremely high in protein .

This meat also contains many nutrients.

Again, feel free to eat fattier cuts of chicken if you're not consuming a lot of carbs.

10. Lamb

Lambs are generally fed in the pasture. Their meat is therefore rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Although they are high in fat and calories, nuts and seeds help you lose weight .

The conclusions of these studies (1*, 2*) are formal.

These foods are crunchy, filling, and loaded with important nutrients.

They are particularly rich in magnesium and vitamin E.

In addition, they require almost no preparation and are therefore easy to integrate into your daily life.

11. Almonds

Almonds are a variety of nuts loaded with vitamin E, antioxidant, magnesium and fiber.

Studies show that almonds can help you lose weight and boost your metabolism.

12. Chia seeds (cheap)

Chia seeds are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet.

In less than 30 g, there are 11 g of fiber and significant amounts of magnesium, calcium and fiber.

13. Coconut

Coconuts are high in fiber and contain powerful fatty acids called medium chain triglycerides.

14. Macadamia nuts

Macadamia nuts are very tasty.

They are especially very rich in monounsaturated fats and low in omega-6 fatty acids.

In other words, by eating macadamia nuts, you consume good fats in the right proportions.

15. Hazelnuts (cheap)

Hazelnuts are very nutritious, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.


Vegetables are among the most concentrated sources of nutrients in the world.

There is a wide variety providing all the calories we need.

It is therefore recommended to eat several different types of vegetables every day.

16. Asparagus

Asparagus is a popular vegetable.

It is low in carbohydrates and calories and very rich in vitamin K.

17. Peppers (cheap)

There are several colors of peppers, including red, green and yellow.

They are crunchy and sweet and are an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C.

18. Broccoli (cheap)

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that can be eaten both raw and cooked.

It is an excellent source of fibre, vitamin C and vitamin K.

Broccoli also contains a reasonable amount of protein compared to other vegetables.

In addition, you can even eat the foot! Here's how.

19. Carrots (cheap)

Carrots are obviously one of the most popular vegetables.

It is extremely crunchy and loaded with nutrients such as fiber and vitamin K.

Carrots are also rich in Beta-carotene (antioxidant), which contributes to the proper functioning of the body.

20. Cauliflower (cheap)

Cauliflower is a very versatile cruciferous vegetable.

It can be used to prepare a multitude of dietary dishes, but also tastes great on its own.

21. Cucumber (cheap)

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables in the world.

They are very low in carbohydrates and calories and consist mainly of water.

However, they contain a number of nutrients in small amounts, including vitamin K.

22. Garlic (cheap)

Garlic is an incredibly healthy food.

It contains bioactive organosulfur compounds that have powerful biological effects.

Among other things, garlic improves the immune functions of our organism (1*).

23. Kale

Kale is becoming increasingly popular because it is incredibly rich in fiber and vitamins C/K.

It also contains many nutrients and adds a tasty crunch to salads and other dishes.

24. Onions (cheap)

Onions have a zesty, delicious flavor that goes especially well in many recipes.

They contain a number of bioactive compounds very beneficial to health.

25. Tomatoes (cheap)

Tomatoes are generally categorized as a vegetable, although they are technically a fruit.

They are tasty and loaded with nutrients such as potassium and vitamin C.

Other healthy vegetables

Most vegetables are very healthy.

Among those worth mentioning are artichokes, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery...

...Eggplant, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, radishes, squash, chard, turnips and zucchini.

50 Foods Super Good For Your Health (And Very Often Cheap).


Fish and seafood are very healthy and very nutritious.

They are particularly rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iodine.

2 nutrients most people are deficient .

Studies even show that people who eat a lot of fish and seafood:

- Live longer

- Have a lower risk of being senile, depressed or of contracting heart disease (1*,2*,3*).

26. Salmon

Salmon is a very popular oily fish due to its excellent taste.

It contains many nutrients, including proteins and omega-3 fatty acids.

It is also loaded with vitamin D .

Be careful, however, not to consume farmed salmon, but wild salmon.

27. Sardines (cheap)

Sardines are small fatty fish that are among the most nutritious foods so you can eat.

They contain considerable amounts of nutrients that your body needs.

28. Shells

Shellfish are in the same category as organ meats in terms of nutrient density.

Edible shellfish include clams, molluscs and oysters.

29. Shrimp

Shrimp is a type of crustacean related to crab and lobster.

It is low in fat and calories, but high in protein.

It is also loaded with various other nutrients, including selenium and vitamin B12.

30. Trout (cheap)

Trout is another type of delicious freshwater fish, similar to salmon.

31. Tuna (cheap)

Tuna is very popular in Western countries.

It is low in fat and calories while being high in protein.

It is perfect for people who need to add more protein to their diet.

Care should be taken, however, to buy low-mercury varieties.


Although cereals have had a bad reputation in recent years, some are very good for your health.

Just keep in mind that they are high in carbohydrates.

They are therefore not recommended if you are on a low carbohydrate diet.

32. Brown rice (cheap)

Rice is one of the most popular cereals.

It is currently a staple food for more than half of the world's population.

Brown rice is quite nutritious, with an acceptable amount of fiber, B1 vitamins and magnesium.

33. Oats (cheap)

Oats are an incredibly healthy food.

This cereal is loaded with nutrients and active fibers (beta-glucans) providing multiple benefits.

34. Quinoa (cheap)

In recent years, quinoa has become incredibly popular among health conscious people.

It is a cereal tasty and rich in nutrients , such as fiber and magnesium.

It is also an excellent source of plant-based protein.


Most people eat a lot of highly processed white bread.

For those trying to adopt a healthier diet, it can be extremely difficult to find quality breads.

Solutions exist despite everything.

35. Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel bread may be the healthiest bread you can buy.

It is made from organic, sprouted whole grains, as well as several legumes.

36. Homemade bread (cheap)

Overall, perhaps the best bread choice is the one you can make yourself.

Here is an easy recipe that you can use at home (gluten free) to make your bread.


Legumes are another food group that has been unfairly maligned.

Well it's true that they contain substances that can interfere with digestion and the absorption of nutrients.

But it is enough to let them soak and to prepare them in a certain way to avoid this phenomenon (1*).

Therefore, legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein.

37. Green beans (cheap)

Green beans are very popular in Western countries.

They contain potassium and are rich in iron and vitamins .

They therefore help to keep in shape.

38. Kidney beans (cheap)

Kidney beans are rich in fiber, vitamins and contain various minerals.

Be sure to cook them properly, as they are toxic when raw.

39. Lenses (cheap)

Lentils are another popular legume.

They are high in fiber and are one of the best sources of plant-based protein.

40. Peanuts (cheap)

Peanuts (which are indeed legumes and not nuts) are incredibly tasty.

They are especially rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

Several studies even claim that peanuts can help with weight loss (1*, 2*).

However, go easy on the peanut butter.

It is as caloric as it is delicious to taste!


For those who tolerate them, dairy products are a healthy source of many important nutrients.

Whole dairy products are indeed particularly beneficial.

Studies show that people who consume it have a lower risk of obesity and diabetes (1*, 2*).

If dairy comes from grass-fed cows, it's even more nutritious!

They are in fact richer in bioactive fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and in vitamin K2.

41. Cheese

Cheese is an incredibly nutritious food .

Just 1 slice provides about the same amount of nutrients as a whole cup (240ml) of milk.

For many, it is also one of the most delicious foods you can eat.

42. Whole milk (cheap)

Whole milk is very rich in vitamins, minerals, quality animal protein and healthy fats.

Plus, it's one of the best dietary sources of calcium.

43. Yogurt (cheap)

Yogurt is made from fermented milk and the addition of live bacteria.

It has the same health effects as milk.

Yogurt nevertheless has the advantage of containing probiotic bacteria which are excellent for the intestinal flora.


Many fats and oils are now marketed as diet foods!

This is particularly the case for several sources of saturated fats that were previously decried.

44. Butter (cheap)

Butter from grass-fed cows is rich in many important nutrients, including vitamin K2.

45. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains relatively high amounts of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides).

And that's good news, because MCTs bring a lot of benefits to our body.

For example, they help fight Alzheimer's disease (1*).

Or to help lose belly fat (2*).

46. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils you can find.

It contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

It is also very rich in antioxidants while being very beneficial for health.


Tubers are the storage organs of some plants.

They contain a number of nutrients beneficial to health.

47. Potatoes (cheap)

Potatoes contain just about every nutrient the body needs.

They are rich in vitamin C, potassium and are super satiating.

One study analyzed 38 foods and found that boiled potatoes were the most nutritious (1*).

48. Sweet potatoes (cheap)

Sweet potatoes are some of the most delicious starches you can eat.

They're loaded with antioxidants and all kinds of healthy nutrients.

49. Cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is incredibly popular among people looking to live a healthy lifestyle.

Studies show that it:

- Helps lower blood sugar levels (1*)

- Causes modest weight loss (2*)

Apple cider vinegar is excellent in salad dressing or to add flavor to dishes.

50. Dark chocolate (cheap)

Dark chocolate is loaded with magnesium and is one of the most potent sources of antioxidants on the planet (1*).