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Plan your balance day

Plan your balance day

On a balance day you eat a day healthier and a little less, after you have eaten too much for a day. Your balance day cannot go wrong with these tips.

Make sure you have the ingredients for your healthy meals and snacks at home. Limit the temptations:if there are no cookies in the cupboard, you can't eat them.

Three meals
Do not skip meals on your balance day, but take slightly smaller portions and make sure you eat healthy. For dinner, for example, you can opt for lean meat or fish. If necessary, check the packaging to see how many calories it contains.

Normal day
Plan your balance day on as normal a day as possible. On a day with parties, outings or dinners, it is extra difficult to maintain your balance day.

Drink enough
Hunger and thirst are easily confused. Make sure you have a filled bottle of water in your bag or on your desk. This makes it easier to drink enough and you limit the feeling of hunger.

Healthy snacks
If you are hungry between meals, choose healthy snacks. Fruit and vegetables are always good.

Say no
Dare to say no when someone offers you something tasty. There is a good chance that others are jealous of your discipline.

How do you make a balance day as easy as possible?
