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Men's lines are just as fanatical as women

Men s lines are just as fanatical as women

A quarter of Dutch employees are currently on a diet.

Healthy snacks
Spring is pre-eminently the time when people start worrying about their weight and eating habits. The research by caterer Eurest in Dutch company restaurants shows that both men and women die. Because healthy snacks are currently doubly popular in the canteen. The salad bar, meal salads and fruit and dairy bar are doing particularly well. This is apparent from a study by caterer Eurest, held among more than 300 guests of Dutch company restaurants.

Choose consciously
Half of all respondents pay attention to the number of calories they consume per day. Women pay more attention to calories than men. A quarter of all respondents consciously choose products that help lose weight or improve their figure.

Not clear
The research also shows that consumers are increasingly examining and comparing labels and labels on products. One in eight respondents believes that labels are not always clearly legible and understandable. The elderly in particular are not always able to cope with the information provided.