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For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

I still remember looking in the mirror the last year.

To be honest, I felt a little disgusted with what I was seeing and not very good about myself...

Yes, I had gained weight for the past 2 years after starting my first job.

It took me several attempts before I found THE effective way to lose my extra pounds AND maintain this weight loss.

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

Indeed, the objective is not only to lose a few pounds. It's also about not gaining back the weight you've lost, in the long run!

I am revealing to you today this slimming and fitness program that any man can follow to lose weight and above all not to take it back afterwards. Watch:

The diet

First of all, I'm really not a fan of the word "diet".

This is because we men tend to associate the diet with rabbit feeding. That is to say:eat little or eat foods that have no taste. But this perception is very far from reality!

Indeed, you can easily lose weight while continuing to eat tasty foods .

The secret ? You just need to change your eating habits .

To lose weight, I changed my eating habits with this 2-step program:

1st step

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

The 1st step is to eliminate sugars and refined carbohydrates (bread, pasta, flour, rice, sweets, chocolates, candies, etc.) from your diet.

If you can't eliminate them completely, try to eat as little as possible.

Replace these foods with lean meats, leafy green vegetables, nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.) and whole grains.

So much for the theoretical part. Now let's talk about the practical part:what are we eating?!

Here's what your meals might look like on a typical day:


• 3 scrambled eggs, lightly salted and peppered

• 350 g cooked spinach, lightly salted and peppered

• 1 cup of coffee, without sugar

Small mid-morning snack

• 1 handful of almonds

• 1 apple


• 1 beautiful seasoned chicken cutlet

• 350 g mixed salad / assorted vegetables (onions, peppers, tomatoes, etc.)

• 1 portion of vinaigrette


• 1 small piece of cheese


• 2 servings of beans

• 1 seasoned 225g steak

• 1 small salad or broccoli with 1 knob of butter


• 1 fruit salad or 1 homemade smoothie

So what do you say? Not bad for a diet meal! :-)

The goal of step 1 is to eliminate refined carbohydrates and sugars as much as possible .

The result ? You lose weight rapidly , from the beginning of the diet.

This is a particularly important criterion for men. Because when you don't get immediate results, you tend to give up.

2nd step

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

The 2nd step is to reintroduce cereal-based products into your diet, but gradually.

And be careful, this is very important :eat only whole grain products and as little processed as possible.

In my previous attempts, I tended to tend towards the Paleolithic diet, instead of reintegrating whole grains into my diet.

Of course, that doesn't mean it's the only way to eat well and take care of your body. I have met quite a few men who have lost a lot of weight with one strategy or another.

During the 2nd stage of the diet, there is a trap to avoid . This trap is to resume the bad habit of consuming refined sugars and processed cereals.

Indeed, temptation is easy. For example, we can start thinking, “Come on, a little cookie is not going to hurt me, is it? »

Exactly, yes! Don't fall into this trap:it's dangerous ground for men who have been overweight.

So, if you're a candy, sweets and other “junk” addict, try giving yourself a “cheat” day instead.

During this day, you can cheat and eat whatever you want (but only once a month or, at most, once a week ).

These little cheat days can be effective — but ONLY if they help you stick to the plan for the rest of the month.

Physical fitness

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

If you do little sport (or any sport at all), it is better to start with simple exercises that will not completely finish you off :-)

Here is a fitness program for men that is simple to implement:

Strength exercises

Do the following exercises 3 times a week, with at least 1 rest day between your strength training sessions:

Bodyweight exercises — alternate between push-ups, squats, lunges, leg lifts and pull-ups.

• At the beginning, do 5 repetitions of each exercise. Wait 15 seconds between each exercise.

• Continue to alternate between each exercise, for 20 min.

• Can't do push-ups? It doesn't matter, there are 2 techniques to do modified push-ups . You can support yourself on your knees instead of your feet. Alternatively, you can do the push-ups standing up, resting your hands on a wall and positioning your body at an angle.

• Can't do pull-ups? No problem. At first, most men can't do it. Help yourself by putting a chair under your feet .

• And if you can't hold on for 20 minutes, give yourself a break. The important thing is to improve your performance as you go through your workouts.

Cardiovascular exercises

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

Do the following exercises 5 times a week:

• Take a 30 min walk , at a moderate or intensive pace. You're not being asked to do Olympic walking, just trying to maintain a good pace.

• In addition, you can do your 30 min walk in two stages:a 15 min walk in the morning and another in the afternoon, for example. Myself, I do one in the morning and another at the end of the evening.

On the days between weight training sessions that you do 3 times a week, do the following exercises:

Intensive exercises for 12 to 15 min . During these exercises, you alternate between 1/2 minute of walking / slow running and 30/45 sec of sprint .

For a high intensity exercise of 15 min, follow this program:

For Men:Our Mini-Guide to EASY Weight Loss.

For this fitness program, the ideal is that you do these exercises for 3 weeks , followed by a “light” week in which you only do cardio.

Why a light week? Because after a month, it will help you overcome a possible "plateau", a phenomenon dreaded by all men. In addition, a week of rest is beneficial to your body after muscular efforts.

The further you progress through the fitness program, the easier the exercises will become. This is the time to add more repetitions, even dumbbells, during your weight training sessions.

And above all, it will make your exercises more interesting and the results of your efforts more and more visible. The goal is to progress as you progress through your fitness program.

Last tips

For men who want to lose weight, the key to success lies in 2 important factors:

1. Your diet must be sustainable AND tasty .

2. Make your workouts entertaining , while representing a real challenge .

Of course, you can most likely lose a little weight just by changing your eating habits and doing a little exercise.

But to get real results , from the beginning of your slimming and fitness program, you must follow his advice to the letter.

With this diet and fitness program, you can easily lose 5-10 kg per month . I myself lost a total of 14 kg in just 3 months!

The real challenge is to maintain the weight loss after the initial phase of the program.

But beware: the further you progress in the program and the more you move away from your bad eating habits and your lack of exercise of the past, the more likely you are to stray !

That's why it's essential to have someone you can rely on, someone who can get you back on track.

This person can be a buddy you do your workouts with. Or it could also be someone close to you who knows you are trying to lose weight and get back in shape.

One last little thing that can help you:keep a logbook to track the progress of your diet and workouts.

This journal is especially useful for identifying when you backtrack on your new way of life.

There you go, now you know my program to lose weight and get back in shape :-)

It worked well for me and I really hope it helps you achieve your weight loss goals!

Warning: I am not a doctor or nutritionist! This information comes from my own experiences with losing weight and from the research I have done. They have worked well for me, but I advise you to consult your doctor before adopting a new diet or training program! Also, don't forget to drink plenty of water during your workouts! :-)

Your turn...

And you ? Do you know of any other effective diets or exercises for weight loss? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!