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Top 5 wellness trends for 2021

With an increased workload and a faster lifestyle, people are looking for wellness to stay healthy. There is no doubt that the wellness industry is booming as people are really working to keep fit, both physically and mentally, to take a breather from the hectic and stressful way of life that has become extremely common. It is essential to take care of our body and mind and to indulge in activities that give us mental peace and relaxation and keep us charged. “Health is wealth” is a quote that we should always keep in mind and we should never put our health above anything else. We love to see new trends emerge in the wellness world, so here are some of our current favorites:

Nature heals
The one thing we absolutely love is going out in lush greenery and releasing ourselves into the wilderness. Nature as a form of self-care is becoming more and more popular, even doctors recommend spending time in our precious environment to feel better. Picturesque lakes, green fields, mountains, forests and the infinite ocean are the best gifts given to mankind. If you are feeling down or having a bad day, a walk in a park is enough to leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. That is the magic of nature and it is wonderful that people are starting to realize the presence of this magic, an important wellness trend and much loved by us!

Health and sustainability
One of the most amazing wellness trends we've fallen in love with is the fusion of sustainability and wellness. One good thing 2020 has brought is that we have become more aware and concerned about our planet! People have realized that climate change is real and that it is extremely important for us to stay safe that our planet is taken care of. Brands are transitioning to making organic products and trying to use and distribute healthy soil to grow food to help us stay healthy. With new innovative techniques in agriculture, brands promise to work for the well-being of the environment and provide safe products for our consumption.

Focus on emotional well-being
This year has been tough for all of us, no matter what part of the world we are in, the pandemic has affected us all in one way or another. During this time, it is essential to put our efforts into something that will make us feel better, safe and healthy. Having mental peace is something we all want to achieve. Taking care of our emotional needs is just as important as being physically fit. There is no doubt that feeling happy and content from the inside is absolutely necessary if we want to look good from the outside. The wellness trend that has come out of this is staying connected with your family and friends. Talk to someone, share your feelings. It could be a therapist, your mom, a best friend, a neighbor, or even a long-lost friend, but make sure you don't just struggle and fight recklessly against the bubbles in your head. Emotional healing classes are a trend and people are eager to learn a lot, including the tips and tricks for forgiving yourself, the art of letting go and how to find happiness in the little things.

Mindful eating
One wellness trend to follow is mindful eating. Being aware of our body's needs and filling our plate according to requirements is something we encourage. The most important thing to do is control the urge to eat junk food. Be calm, in control and relaxed. Do not give in to your urges; remember you are stronger than that. Listen to your body, this is the best indicator. Your body will give you the signal when you are hungry, but beware of the false signals. Sometimes you feel like eating, even if you just ate something. It's not because your body is hungry, but because you're bored. People generally get confused between that and overeating, which is unnecessary and can have consequences. Seeing how much your body needs and sticking to it is a great way to maintain your health. Eating small amounts during the day is also a good option to avoid binge eating.

Spend time relaxing
Relaxing and spending time with yourself is important to be your best version. Limit your screen time and try to relax with your eyes closed. Start your day with yoga, meditation or simple breathing techniques to calm your mind. That makes a huge difference and gives your day a positive start. Go for a walk in your spare time or read a book. Follow a sleep schedule and make sure you get at least 8 hours of sleep. Take a break – you deserve it!