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Everything you want to know about fever and increase

Do you know the difference between a fever and an increase? How do you properly measure your body temperature? And when there is a fever in children? Discover everything you want to know about fever and elevation.

What is a fever?

Many people immediately panic when they notice that there is a fever. However, fever is a natural response of the body to the entry of a virus or bacteria. The body is stimulated to increase the temperature in order to clear everything that does not belong in the body. In this way, the immune system is strengthened and put to work.

Fever or an increase in body temperature is therefore not bad or dangerous per se. However, it is important to keep an eye on when there is a fever or increase and when you should see a doctor. There is also a difference between fever in adults and fever in children and teenagers.

What is a normal body temperature?

A healthy person has a body temperature that ranges from 36 – 37.4 degrees. Anything in between is normal and nothing to worry about. If you have a very low body temperature (36 degrees), anything above 37.5 degrees can already feel like a significant fever. From a medical point of view, however, this is not the case.

Conversely, it can of course also be the case that you have a slightly higher body temperature (37.4 degrees). Then you will notice less quickly if you have an increase or even a fever.

When do you have a raise?

Officially, there is talk of an increase if you have a temperature of 37.5 degrees or higher. Do you have a temperature of 38.1? Then there is a slight fever. Incidentally, these temperatures only apply to adults. In (small) children there is already a fever at a temperature of 38 degrees.

When do you have a fever?

There is a fever from 38.1 degrees. Up to 38.5 degrees you can speak of a mild fever. Between 38.6 – 39.0 degrees you speak of a moderate fever. Anything above 39 degrees is a high to severe fever (from 40 degrees). It is even possible to have an extreme fever, with the temperature around 41°C. Fortunately, this rarely happens.

When is a fever in children?

As mentioned earlier, there is a difference between fever in adults and fever in children. Children already have a fever at a temperature of 38°C. In addition, you have to monitor the temperature in children even more closely.

Fever when to see a doctor?

In principle, fever is a natural immune response and your body must be given time to clear up fever and its cause on its own. However, if the fever persists for too long or if it is higher than 39° DNA, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

This does NOT apply to children. Is your child younger than 3 months? And does your child have a temperature above 38°? Then you should immediately call the doctor. He or she can then advise you on the best course of action.

What is the best way to measure a fever?

Today, the stores are full of ear thermometers and thermometers that you can use for the forehead. There are even pacifiers for small children that allow you to take the temperature quickly and easily. You can measure body temperature in various ways:in the ears, through the forehead, under the armpit, orally or rectally (in the anus). However, you will only get the most accurate measurement if you measure rectally.

Although it is possible to measure under the armpit, in the ear, on the forehead and in the mouth, there is often a significant deviation, especially in the ear. This gives you a wrong picture and a wrong diagnosis. Rectal measurement is therefore preferred to determine the correct body temperature.

When is a fever dangerous?

In most cases, a fever is not dangerous and a doctor will not want to do anything about it. It is important to get sick and that requires a fever. However, you should keep a close eye on the temperature for both yourself and your child. Even if you feel really ill or if you have a baby, it is good to coordinate with the doctor.

Getting sick or doing something about the fever?

In principle, a fever will go away on its own and it is a matter of getting sick. However, do you suffer from a high fever (39 degrees or higher)? Then you can lower the body temperature in natural ways. This can be done by making so-called wrappers. Take a towel, dip it in a bucket of water to which you have added a good splash of vinegar. Wrap the towel around the legs (note:very cold) and wrap a dry towel around it. Cover with a blanket and renew after about 15 minutes.

You can also drink linden blossom tea. This has a fever-reducing effect. If you really do not benefit from natural remedies, you can take a paracetamol. Note:paracetamol has a fever suppressant and lowering effect. However, this should not be your first choice.

What to do in case of fever?

Of course you can tackle the fever, but that is really only a side effect of what is really bothering your body. The most important thing for your body is therefore to get sick and rest.

Do these four things if you have a fever:

  • Drink a lot (including homemade chicken soup!)
  • Sleep a lot
  • Avoid effort
  • Good and lots of rest

You can combine the above things with lowering the temperature in a natural way. Not hungry? Food is not important. Make sure you get both sweet and salty drinks through your drink. Take a cup of (broth) soup and a cup of honey. Do you find yourself starting to dehydrate? Then it is necessary to take ORS. Of course water is good for your body, but you also need salts for extra energy.

Fever or elevation? Listen to your body

Whether you have a mild fever or a fever, it is important to listen to your body. Getting sick is the best remedy and ensures that your body is able to strengthen the immune system. If necessary, you can tackle (high) fever with natural means. Avoid medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. In most cases, the doctor will not prescribe anything unless there is an underlying and urgent reason for this.