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Older mothers have heavier babies

Older mothers have heavier babies

The older the mother, the heavier the baby. This is apparent from research by the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam.

The Erasmus MC research was conducted among 8500 Dutch women executed. What turned out? No less than 10 percent of the surveyed women over the age of 40 had a relatively heavy baby. This was only 3 percent of mothers under the age of 25.

On average, a baby weighs about 3500 grams at birth. For heavier children this is 4500 grams and a baby who weighs less than 2500 grams falls into the light category.

Heavier babies

The weight of a newborn can affect the health of the child † For example, slightly heavier babies are prone to obesity † It is not yet known why older women have heavier babies.

More about overweight>
