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The latest research findings on the benefits of CBD

CBD, also called cannabidiol, is a component of cannabis that has stood out on the market for a few years now, precisely because it is the subject of much research, both social and medical. Where are we ? What are the advances regarding the benefits of CBD? Explanations in this article.

What CBD already allows:fight against certain diseases

Within society, opinions on cannabis are relatively divided, but what is not often highlighted is the difference between the many components of hemp. The two main ones are none other than THC (the intoxicating and psychoactive substance) and CBD (the non-intoxicating and relaxing substance). This molecular difference has a considerable impact on the human body:while the first is viewed negatively due to its undesirable side effects, the second has made its way into the health, cosmetics and even food sectors.

Research conducted in the United States and Canada demonstrates that CBD has important therapeutic properties against difficult diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis or certain cancers. Its relaxing and soothing virtues and allowing relaxation act both inside and outside:effective against free radicals, CBD simply boosts the immune system. Its anxiolytic properties are also well founded:against stress and anxiety, it is a recommended substance.

Research goes beyond

Thus, quality CBD such as Cibdol or other brands is interesting for targeting specific pathologies or persistent ailments, ranging from temporary acne to muscle pain. The more research focuses on the benefits of CBD, the more positive the results. At the end of 2017, the World Health Organization published its report on CBD, indicating that it was a substance with “significant medical potential”.

This type of report within recognized institutions has had a boost effect on the CBD market in Europe:in just 5 years, sales of products including CBD have increased by +120%. This figure can be explained by the interest and curiosity of consumers, who admit to wanting to "test" the effectiveness of these products, or "act on their well-being":more than 20% of Europeans have already used to CBD-based products for advertised virtues.

The future of CBD, unsuspected benefits

While studies show that in 2028, the medical cannabis market in Europe should reach around 58 billion dollars, they also highlight the unsuspected properties of CBD, opening the way to new sources of use. Indeed, being a 100% natural component, CBD is associated with combinations with therapeutic virtues, for example to fight against diabetes. A study on mice had shown satisfactory results in 86% of subjects.

More broadly, CBD, by spreading in food and daily diet, contributes to the well-being of the digestive system and to treating intestinal diseases, often linked to forms of inflammation. Finally, CBD, in the form of oil or cream, comes to fight against excess sebum in the skin (pimples, acne), but also against sleep disorders, for improved physical and mental health.