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The Mistake Everyone Makes With Coconut Oil.

The Mistake Everyone Makes With Coconut Oil.

The benefits of coconut oil are numerous, especially for the hair and for the skin.

Unrecognized for a long time, coconut oil is today an essential natural product for beauty.

But for some time, coconut oil is no longer unanimous. It would even be bad!

Why ? Because it is a comedogenic oil and can therefore promote the appearance of pimples and blackheads. Not great...

But do we really have to eliminate it from our beauty treatments? Not so sure...

Here's the mistake everyone makes with coconut oil . Watch:

The Mistake Everyone Makes With Coconut Oil.

What is a comedogenic oil?

Clearly, a comedogenic oil is an oil that tends to clog the pores of the skin.

As a result, this type of oil promotes the development of blackheads and pimples.

To know if an oil is comedogenic or not, there is a comedogenic index which goes from 0 to 5 and which makes it possible to evaluate the oil.

However, from 2, it is considered that the oil promotes the appearance of pimples and imperfections.

Well, you should know that the index of comedogenicity of coconut oil is... 4!

In other words, coconut oil is very comedogenic .

It is therefore to be avoided if you have oily facial skin, problem skin or acne-prone skin.

On the other hand, coconut oil is on the other hand excellent for dry skin .

Do you have dry or even chapped skin? No problem ! You can continue to use it without fear.

Which oil to use when you have oily skin?

The Mistake Everyone Makes With Coconut Oil.

There are vegetable oils whose comedogenicity index is much lower. They are therefore much better suited to oily skin.

Some oils even have the particularity of regulating the production of sebum. It is ideal for taking care of oily skin!

These are hazelnut, jojoba, nigella or sesame oils that leave no greasy film on the skin.

Black cumin oil and sesame oil also have healing properties. They are particularly well suited to take care of acne-prone skin.

You can complete the action of these oils with a clay mask and a salt water lotion.

Good to know, vegetable oils must be kept away from heat and light. Otherwise, they risk oxidizing and becoming comedogenic.

To discover: 10 Lemon Beauty Masks Your Skin Will Love!

Coconut oil for body care

One thing is certain:if coconut oil is not always suitable for facial care, it is particularly recommended for body and hair care.

You can therefore mix it with powdered sugar, salt, ground almonds, grated coconut, cinnamon, oatmeal or baking soda to make a 100% natural homemade scrub.

This scrub rids your skin of its impurities and nourishes it at the same time.

You can also add a small amount to your usual beauty products to boost their moisturizing power.

Unless you prefer to apply it pure on your skin.

Know that it is a very effective treatment for moisturizing dry areas such as feet, knees and elbows.

Coconut oil for hair

For the beauty of the hair, coconut oil is also essential. Very rich in lauric acid, it gives them shine and suppleness.

And this, whatever the nature of your hair! It nourishes, repairs and coats the hair, especially if it is dry and damaged.

To do this, just take a little coconut oil in the palm of your hand and heat it by rubbing your hands together.

The coconut oil will become liquid and you can easily apply it to the ends of your hair.

This treatment must be left to act for at least 30 minutes, or even overnight, before using a mild shampoo.

If you want to have beautiful hair, you can renew this mask every week.

To discover: 10 Incredible Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair And Skin.

Our beauty recipes with coconut oil

The Mistake Everyone Makes With Coconut Oil.

As we have seen, used pure or in synergy with other vegetable oils, coconut oil is the essential ally for dehydrated skin.

We have selected the most effective coconut oil beauty recipes for you:

- Coconut oil takes care of your dry lips with this balm recipe.

- It can even replace your cleansing oil.

- And it is also essential for making a 100% natural sunscreen or shaving foam.

- And to fight wrinkles, she works wonders with this homemade anti-wrinkle cream.

- Without forgetting this firming mask with coconut oil!

- And if you're looking for a natural treatment to revitalize your tired hair, nothing beats this homemade mask recipe.

Where to buy cheap coconut oil?

It is better to choose an extra-virgin, organic and unrefined oil.

It is then made from fresh coconut pulp. It is rich in vitamins A and E, as well as saturated fatty acids.

The perfect cocktail to ensure skin hydration and take advantage of its antioxidant properties!

You can find it in supermarkets like Carrefour, organic stores or here on the Internet for cheap.

Your turn...

Do you use coconut oil on a daily basis? Let us know in the comments if it works for you. We can't wait to read you!