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Do you want to do something about your health? Get a dog!

Do you want to do something about your health? Get a dog!

You can watch your food, exercise more, make sure you get enough sleep. All that for good health, but you can also get a dog!

Two recent studies from the American Heart Association show that dog owners live longer and are less likely to develop heart problems. There are many advantages to having this four-legged friend, especially for singles.

Read also: 'Out with a neighbor's dog'


The studies show that the chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke in dog owners is 31 percent lower. The chance of premature death is also 24 percent smaller.

More exercise with dog

Researcher Caroline Kramer of the University of Toronto:“That's because people with a dog move more. As a result, they have better blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels, which reduces the chance of dying from cardiovascular disease.”


For example, if you have already had a heart attack, especially as a single person, you will benefit a lot from a dog. The second study of 182,000 heart patients shows that there is a 33 percent less chance of a second heart attack and a 27 percent less chance of another stroke. People who live with a partner or child have a 15 and 12 percent reduction, respectively, of having another heart attack or stroke.