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Want a New Lipstick? Recycle the Old to Create a New!

Want a New Lipstick? Recycle the Old to Create a New!

All women know it, picking out a new lipstick doesn't matter. nothing easy.

And above all, it can be quite expensive.

But, as we are attached to these products that sublimate our lips, we tend to save money by renewing regularly. Even if it means biting your fingers afterwards!

Luckily, there is a much simpler way to create a new lipstick absolutely free! I deliver it to you on a platter.

Everyone to recycling!

At a time of ecological concerns and actions for the environment, what better than to invest at your level, by recycling everything you can?

So I suggest you recycle your old lipsticks !

The ones that don't have much left, the ones that you got tired of... You can recycle them all, and have fun with them.

Want a New Lipstick? Recycle the Old to Create a New!

How to

1. Take as many lipsticks as you want (but at least two), and cut some out or scrape off what's left.

2. Place what you have cut in a small container that can be heated. A saucepan, even a small one, is likely to be large, so I recommend a spoon, although it can also become narrow if you use more than 2 lipsticks!

3. Heat the container (on the fire, or on a lighter, depending on the container). Lipsticks will melt.

4. Mix so that the different colors dilute well.

5. Add more material of one lipstick or another to blend it in and achieve the shade you like.

6. Pour your mixture into a small container (like a box of contact lenses), if possible closed. Otherwise your new lipstick will become too harsh.


There you go, you made a new lipstick, with a new shade :-)

How to use it?

Once the mixture has cooled down enough, rub your finger over it and apply to your lips. Nothing could be easier!

And for lovers of the language of Shakespeare, here is the video in English from which I took this tip (at 1:45 min), and which you can all watch to have the explanations in pictures, even if you do not speak English!

And if unfortunately, by performing this trick you have stained your clothes, here is another trick to clean them!

Your turn...

All to your lipsticks now! And tell us in the comments if you liked what you created!