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Grandma's Trick To Quickly Cure A Cold Sore On The Lip.

Grandma s Trick To Quickly Cure A Cold Sore On The Lip.

A cold sore growing on your lip?

We feel the first tingling on the lip, then the feeling that the skin is about to explode.

And that's where you have to act quickly to prevent the cold sore pimple from budding too quickly.

Don't have your antiviral ointment on hand?

Fortunately, there is a natural and effective grandmother's trick to cure a herpes pimple on the lips quickly.

The trick is to dab it directly with a little 70% alcohol . Watch:

Grandma s Trick To Quickly Cure A Cold Sore On The Lip.

  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?
  • What is cold sores?

What you need

- 70% alcohol

- Cotton Swab

How to

1. Soak the cotton swab in 70° alcohol

2. Dab the herpes pimple with the Cotton Swab.

3. Repeat this treatment once or twice a day until the pimple is dry.


And There you go ! Your cold sore on the lip is already healed :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

This treatment is radical, it prevents the pimple from getting too big and becoming painful.

The cotton swab allows you to target where you put the alcohol without spreading the virus to another part of the lip.

For better healing, you can put some honey on the pimple overnight. Thus, there is no risk of too visible a scar on the face.

Why does it work?

Alcohol disinfects the pimple and destroys the virus responsible for it.

In addition, alcohol dries the area to prevent the spread of the virus and allows it to heal faster.

What is cold sores?

It is also called cold sore and it is most often located on the edge of the lip.

It is caused by a very contagious virus and it can be quite painful.

This usually happens in times of great fatigue, stress, menstruation, or even long exposure to the sun or cold.

A cold sore lasts about 8 days and can reappear several times a year.

Grandma s Trick To Quickly Cure A Cold Sore On The Lip.