Do you have a cold too?
It's normal with these sudden changes in temperature...
At home, we went from -5°C to 6 then to 16 now!
And as if by chance, we all start to have sore throats and stuffy nose .
But do not panic ! Effective and natural remedies exist.
You can count on them to defend you quickly. Watch:
We have selected for you the 14 best 100% natural remedies to treat your cold quickly.
And this, without resorting to medication cough drops full of chemicals! Watch:
This is one of the best herbal teas to sip when your nose is stuffy and you find yourself in a pitiful state. The delicious, slightly spicy flavors of ginger warm the body.
Active components such as capsaicin (found in chili peppers) or piperine (found in black pepper) are among the alkaloids , a family of chemical compounds recognized for their many healing properties.
The active component of ginger is gingerol. Despite this unoriginal name, gingerol can relieve the symptoms of congestion in many ways.
First, it reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes that line the nasal passages and sinuses. It is precisely this inflammation that is responsible for nasal and sinus congestion.
Thus, once the inflammation is reduced, the congestion disappears and the mucus secreted by the mucous membranes is evacuated.
In addition, the perfectly spicy taste of ginger fluidizes mucus accumulated on the mucous membranes. Ideal for rehydrating, the infusion increases fluid intake your body desperately needs to fight infections.
For even more benefits, breathe in deeply the vapors of this infusion to better relieve nasal or sinus congestion.
Note that this recipe is an infusion and not a decoction (which is boiling a plant in a liquid). But both methods are effective, it's up to you to choose the one you prefer!
- 6 to 8 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
- 1 pinch of cinnamon (optional)
- a few drops of squeezed lemon juice (optional)
- 1 tablespoon of honey (optional)
- 1 liter of boiling water
- 1 jar (capacity 1 liter minimum)
- Put the grated ginger in a one liter jar and sprinkle with cinnamon (according to your taste). In a saucepan, heat the water until it simmers.
- Then, pour it carefully into the jar, so that it completely covers the ginger. Let the ginger infuse for 30 to 40 minutes, taking care to close the jar.
- This step is important, because it will allow you to keep all the essential oils of ginger where they will be most beneficial to you, that is to say in your cup!
- Drain the liquid (use potholders or a tea towel, as the jar may be boiling hot) and serve yourself a nice hot cup of your homemade infusion.
If necessary, heat your infusion and add a little honey and squeezed lemon juice. Sip on your delicious soothing brew, and don't forget to inhale its beneficial vapours.
- Drink this very hot ginger infusion 3 times a day. It will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 to 3 days.
An almost instant solution to clear your nose is to inhale.
Inhalation is by far one of my favorite cold remedies. I have already talked about it in this article.
There are several ways to enjoy the benefits of inhalation, such as breathing in the sweet vapors of a good cup of tea, taking a hot shower or simply filling a bowl with hot water and adding a few drops of essential oils. .
For this last method, use essential oils with strong scents, such as tea tree, peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil. For me, tea tree and eucalyptus worked best.
The vapors carry the antibacterial and antiviral properties tea tree essential oil, which helps your body fight many types of infections.
And of course, the sweet and powerful scent of tea tree and eucalyptus will quickly clear your nose .
- 5 to 10 drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, tea tree or a mixture of both
- 1 large heat-resistant bowl
- boiling water
- 1 towel
- Pour the essential oil in the bottom of a large bowl, and add a good quantity of boiling water up to 2/3.
- Start by leaning your face over the steaming bowl, taking care to keep a good safe distance, as the steam can burn you if you're not careful.
- Gradually approach your face, until it is directly above the bowl. Then, cover your head with the towel, to make a kind of tent that prevents the steam from escaping and breathe deeply .
- If necessary, breathe fresh air if you are too hot under the towel. A word of advice, keep a handkerchief handy, as you will need it to blow your nose after inhalation.
- Repeat 2 to 3 times a day, adjusting the amount of essential oil according to your taste.
I love grandmother's remedies. I am thinking in particular of remedies whose effectiveness is no longer in doubt, those that have been recognized and used for generations.
One of grandmother's best cold remedies is made up of 3 ingredients that you probably already have at home:I named garlic, lemon and honey.
No need to complicate your life with other ingredients, this recipe is easy as pie!
It is particularly effective against sore throat and dry cough.
- 1 medium sized garlic clove
- 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon of honey
- hot water
- Crush the garlic clove in a glass then pour in the squeezed lemon juice.
- Add about a spoonful of honey (adjust the amount of honey according to your taste) and top it all off with hot water.
- Stir and drink the whole glass.
Repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times a day, until your symptoms disappear.
This recipe is ideal for colds associated with particularly painful coughs .
In addition, honey is a real wonder to relieve sore throats .
As for the onion, it has powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
This recipe can also help your body loosen mucus from the airways.
Click here to discover the recipe for this homemade syrup.
Many people are hesitant to try this grandmother's remedy because they have never heard of mullein.
It's a shame, because this remedy is recognized for its effectiveness for decades.
In addition, today thanks to the Internet, you can easily order any medicinal plant, WITHOUT having to go to hell in an obscure herbalist.
Mullein, commonly known as white broth, candlestick or Notre-Dame candle, is a biennial plant (it only grows every 2 years) that appreciates dry soils and generally flowers from June to September.
Large in size and with yellow flowers, it is recognizable by its soft, hairy leaves.
However, mullein is an EXCELLENT expectorant remedy, which thins and releases the accumulated mucus in order to better evacuate them.
Therefore, mullein is an ideal treatment against stuffy nose and congested throat.
Its effectiveness is even more remarkable when combined with other natural expectorants, as is the case with thyme in this recipe.
- 1 to 2 teaspoon of mullein flowers and leaves (4-6 tsp if the mullein is fresh)
- 2 ½ teaspoons of dry thyme (5 teaspoons if the thyme is fresh)
- 25-35 cl of boiling water
- honey and lemon (optional, to sweeten the taste)
- Put the mullein and thyme in a large cup. Bring the water to a boil.
- Pour it over the medicinal plants and let it infuse for 15-20 min.
- Filter the liquid with a strainer. Sweeten with honey and lemon (to taste).
- All you have to do is taste each beneficial sip of this magical remedy.
- Drink 2 to 3 infusions a day, until your airways are completely unblocked.
This homemade syrup is delicious, beneficial and easy to prepare...
The syrups are particularlyrecommended for children colds, who do not appreciate the bitter taste of infusions made from medicinal plants.
In fact, syrups are infusions of medicinal plants that are reduced and to which honey is added.
Easy to prepare, homemade syrups are one of my favorite remedies. Plus, they're easy to swallow, even if you have a painful sore throat or lack of appetite.
This cough syrup recipe is made with marshmallow root, licorice root, cinnamon and ginger.
Its effectiveness is well established, as marshmallow and licorice roots are known to treat violent coughing fits and sore throats.
This is mainly thanks to the high content of these roots in mucilage, a plant substance that soothes irritated mucous membranes by covering them with a protective film.
Besides their pleasant taste, cinnamon and ginger are recognized natural remedies for congestion and pain relief.
- 1 tablespoon of licorice root
- 1 tablespoon marshmallow root
- 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder (or 6 cinnamon sticks)
- 1 tablespoon grated ginger
- 1 liter of water
- 25 cl of organic honey
- 1 colander
- 1 jar with airtight lid
- In a saucepan, mix the marshmallow, licorice, cinnamon and ginger.
- Add 1 liter of fresh water and sauté over low heat until the volume has reduced by half.
- Filter the medicinal plants with a strainer and pour the liquid back into the pan.
- Over low heat, add the honey, mixing carefully and leave to simmer slightly for 10 min.
- Remove the pan from the heat and pour the syrup into a jar, taking care to stick a label on it with the date of preparation.
Swallow 1 to 2 teaspoons of this syrup (3 times a day maximum) to relieve coughing fits, sore throats and congestion. The syrup will keep for up to 3 to 4 weeks in the refrigerator. Please note that you should not give honey to children under 2 years old.
VapoRub ointment rubs are known to calm coughs and unclog the bronchial tubes.
But why not make your own homemade balm? Don't worry:the recipe for this homemade balm is very easy to make.
This ointment is all the more effective when associated with the hot water bottle (see the next remedy in the list).
The magic ingredient in this recipe is menthol, one of the organic compounds in peppermint essential oil.
Menthol produces a feeling of freshness, a property that will help you breathe more easily when your airways are very congested.
- 100 g of coconut oil
- 15 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 1 jar with airtight lid
- Melt the coconut oil in a bain-marie. Once melted, remove the oil from the heat and pour it into a jar.
- Add the peppermint essential oil and let sit, with the lid closed.
- Once the ointment has cooled, apply a small amount to your chest or below the nostrils.
- Store your ointment for up to 3 years away from sunlight, in a cool, dry place.
- Avoid all contact with eyes ! I've rubbed my eyes before after handling peppermint essential oil and I can tell you it's very unpleasant!
To discover: 18 Magical Uses of VapoRub Everyone Should Know.
Ah, the good old fashioned hot water bottles... it's always an effective remedy to thin mucus and evacuate secretions from your respiratory tract.
The hot water bottles diffuse gentle and constant heat , which will loosen the mucus from your mucous membranes to better evacuate them.
Not only will this method relax you, but it is also one of the easiest home remedies available.
To increase the effectiveness of the hot water bottle, I advise you to use it after rubbing with the homemade peppermint ointment (see recipe above).
- 1 rubber hot water bottle
- 1 piece of flannel (or other soft fabric)
Well, I warn you:I'm very strict about how I fill my hot water bottle! No need to be as meticulous as me, but I will explain my method to you anyway.
Start by heating your water to your preference (it doesn't have to be hot).
Fill the hot water bottle, but only halfway. Apply a little pressure to squeeze the air out of the hot water bottle then fill it again, leaving between 3 to 5 cm of empty space.
This filling method will prevent your hot water bottle from being too firm. Thus, it will be perfectly malleable and it will comfortably fit the shape of your body.
Wrap your hot water bottle in a piece of flannel or other thin, soft fabric (for me, I find terry towels are way too thick).
Lay the hot water bottle on your back, at shoulder blade level or lay it directly on your chest.
In case of particularly severe nasal congestion, try to prop up your head with pillows. You will see, it's amazing how much hot water can help you fight the common cold!
This simple recipe for homemade bath salts is a great way to relax your poor sick and tired body, but also to clear your airways .
It is THE perfect remedy to fight a bad cold, especially during periods of extreme cold.
Colds can't resist the combined power of aromatherapy, essential oils and the soothing warmth of a nice hot bath!
This easy-to-make recipe uses a blend of essential oils known for their effectiveness against colds.
- 250 g of magnesium sulphate
- 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
- 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 3 drops of lavender essential oil
- 1 small bowl to mix the ingredients
- 1 jar with airtight lid
Pour the magnesium sulfate into the jar. In a bowl, mix the essential oils then pour them into the jar.
Mix everything thoroughly with a small spoon. Fill your bathtub halfway.
Add 2-3 tablespoons of bath salts to warm water, then fill the rest of the tub.
And There you go ! Now take a deep breath and relax!
To discover: 19 Secret Uses of Magnesium Sulfate.
This remedy ONLY applies to people who enjoy the spicy taste of chili peppers!
If this is the case, know that biting into a pepper is an excellent method to quickly relieve congestion .
Capsaicin, the active component that gives peppers their characteristic taste, has many benefits.
Among these benefits, capsaicin thins mucus and evacuates secretions from the respiratory tract.
In fact, the decongestant effects of pepper make it a real atomic bomb against the common cold!
It's simple as hello. Just bite into a hot pepper!
You can also eat foods that contain peppers.
For example, eating chili soup is particularly beneficial.
It rehydrates and warms the body WITH the wonderful decongestant effect of chilli.
To soothe a sore throat, nothing beats this gargle of sage, apple cider vinegar and salt.
The salt, acting through the magic phenomenon of osmosis, will absorb the excess liquid contained in the cellular tissue of the throat (it is precisely this excess that is responsible for the painful inflammation).
Apple cider vinegar is known for its antiviral properties and may also relieve pain associated with colds.
As for sage, it is a remarkable medicinal plant for fighting colds.
In addition to its antibacterial properties , sage is a powerful astringent which also helps extract excess fluid from the tissues of the throat.
While this isn't the most delicious blend on this list, it's by far one of the most effective.
- 25 cl cider vinegar
- 4 tablespoons of sage leaves (or 8 tablespoons of fresh sage)
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 25 cl of water
- 1 jar with hermetic lid (capacity 50 cl)
Put the sage leaves in a large cup and cover with boiling water.
Close the lid and let steep for 15 minutes. In the meantime, pour the apple cider vinegar into the jar and add the salt.
Once the sage is infused, strain the leaves and add the infusion to the vinegar.
Gargle at least 3 times a day to relieve pain associated with sore throats.
The mixture will keep in the refrigerator, for up to a week in the fridge.
To discover: 11 Incredible Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar.
For this remedy, nothing more than simple radishes !
The root of this deliciously pungent vegetable plant has antiseptic properties and a high content of vitamins and minerals .
Bite into these little pearls of nature and, in no time, your nose will probably be completely unclogged!
For people who appreciate strong and spicy flavors, choose horseradish instead, which has even more decongestant properties than radish.
Eat 2-3 radishes 2 times a day to relieve symptoms of nasal congestion.
Personally, I prefer to keep my radishes in the refrigerator, so that they are very fresh, perfectly crunchy and easier to digest.
A miracle cure for all cold symptoms, black elderberries work primarily by reducing inflammation of the mucous membranes . As a result, they allow you to breathe more easily and naturally clear the airways .
In addition, this plant considerably reduces the duration of colds and strengthens the immune system.
Very useful to protect your body from another viral attack when you have a cold.
Its mucilage content also relieves throat pain, whether it comes from coughing fits or a sore throat.
Take care to use ONLY black elderberries, also called great elderberries (Sambucus nigra ).
Indeed, other species of elderberry are toxic. Likewise, never eat raw elderberries.
- 120 g of dried black elderberries
- 70 cl of water
- 350 g of honey
- 1 bottle or 1 glass jar
- 1 saucepan
- 1 strainer
Add the black elderberries and water to the saucepan and bring to a boil.
Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 50 minutes.
Strain the liquid through the strainer, using the back of a tablespoon to squeeze the liquid out of the berries.
Let the liquid cool to room temperature. Then, add the honey and stir until completely diluted.
Store the syrup in a glass bottle for up to 3 months in the fridge.
For adults, take 1 tablespoon daily as a preventive treatment (1 teaspoon daily for children of honey-consuming age).
If you already have a cold, take 1 tablespoon every 3 to 4 hours, until you are completely healed.
Acupressure is an excellent method for relieving pain associated with many illnesses, including the common cold.
Therefore, if you are suffering from sinus pain due to a cold, there are three acupoints that you can put pressure on and relieve sinus congestion .
Located inside the bones of the skull, the paranasal sinuses are essentially pockets of air, lined with mucous membranes.
Each cavity is connected to a corresponding turbinate in the nasal cavities (namely:inferior turbinate, middle turbinate, and superior turbinate).
However, when your sinuses are covered with mucus and become inflamed, you of course have difficulty breathing.
But you also feel pain, because of the pressure on your sinuses.
By exerting pressure on the appropriate points, you can clear the paranasal sinuses as well as the nasal cavities, thus relieving this painful pressure and congestion.
Point B2: located on the bladder meridian, this point is linked to the frontal sinuses, located behind the frontal bone. Point B2 is located in the hollow where the bridge of the nose meets the birth of the brow bone.
With your index fingers, press these points on either side of your nose for 2-3 minutes, gradually applying more pressure. Release the pressure gradually then take a deep breath.
The point LI20: located on the large intestine meridian, this point relaxes and relieves the maxillary sinuses. These sinuses are the largest in terms of size, and are particularly prone to pain. The LI20 point is located under each eye just below the cheekbones, in the jawbones.
To find it, exert pressure on the small hollow at this level (which is more or less firm depending on the person). A slight pressure for 2 to 3 minutes on this point is enough. End with a deep breath.
St3: located on the stomach meridian, this point also relieves the maxillary sinuses. It is located a little lower and slightly outside than the LI20.
For an optimal effect, you can also exert pressure on these two points at the same time. In the same way, apply pressure for 2-3 min, gradually increasing the pressure and reducing it towards the last minute. End with a deep breath.
Did you know that the common cold is an infection resulting from several viruses (more than 200 to be precise)?
Due to their viral nature, there is no cure for cold viruses. Indeed, unlike the flu, there is no vaccine against the common cold, due to the large number of strains.
It is precisely when your body is trying to fight off the virus that symptoms appear.
The symptoms of a classic cold are coughing fits, sneezing, sore throat, congestion and not to mention a state of fatigue.
Remedies are there to relieve these symptoms and strengthen your body while your valiant immune system leads the charge against this virus.
Most of the remedies in this article can be modified to suit your tastes.
Of course, some of these home remedies overlap. For example, natural treatments for sore throat and cough have similarities.