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Build Your Thighs in 3 Weeks Before Summer.

Build Your Thighs in 3 Weeks Before Summer.

You want to strengthen your thighs to take a little curve before summer ?

François Tariel, our sports coach, has the exercise you need. Try it and you'll have dream legs in 3 weeks.

Before building your thighs, first make sure you're not overweight:if so, here's how to fix it.

After a month, you'll be ready to get down to business!

Build Your Thighs in 3 Weeks Before Summer.

Squats, do you know?

Squats (to squat, in English) are the essential exercises to strengthen the thighs and the glutes:everyone feels good that when you squat , the thighs work. To strengthen your legs, the key to this trick is to practice squats on one leg.

But before that, first make sure that you perfectly master the classic squat (on two legs), without rounding your back and always looking ahead, arms stretched horizontally.

The classic squat no longer holds any secrets for you? Now let's see what the squat on one leg consists of.

Starting position

Stand up, gaze horizontally, arms outstretched in front of you.

Lift off your right foot and straighten your right leg out in front of you, at 45 degrees to the floor.

Performing the Exercise in 5 Steps

1 . Take a deep breath before starting the movement.

2 . Slowly bend your left leg pulling your buttocks backwards . Your right heel should not touch the ground, so you should raise your right leg a little higher as you go as you descend.

3. Continue to bend your left leg as long as you don't lose your balance, your right heel doesn't touch the ground, your back is straight and your arms are extended horizontally in front of you, always looking straight ahead . If one of the instructions is no longer respected, stop the descent.

4. Count one second in the low position (or called "a hippopotamus").

5. Raise gently, without fully extending the left leg.

2 Important Recommendations

- This exercise is to be avoided if you suffer from knee pain , which must support the entire weight of the body.

- Movement must be slow and controlled .

Series and Repetitions

Perform 3 repetitions on the left leg, then as many on the right leg. Blow for 30 seconds then do 5 on each side. Always respecting the same recovery times, go to 7 and then finally to 9.

Two to three sessions per week , separated by at least one day of recovery, are an excellent work stocking.

Practice this routine for 3 weeks for the first results.


- The squat on one leg is a very good stimulator of growth of the mass of the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the glutes.

- Performed at high amplitude, it causes a clear increase in heart rate, which indicates that this exercise is a great energy consumer .


If balance is your weak point, do not hesitate to stand with the opposite hand to the supporting leg on a stable support (wall, sofa back, table), to facilitate balance.

If you lack flexibility at the ankle and/or have long legs in relation to the bust, you may encounter anatomical obstacles to descending low. In this case, place a shim one to two centimeters (book, wooden board, folded towel...) below the heel of your supporting foot.

If this exercise taken from the psynetic method raises questions or comments, leave a comment!