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Shape your Calves in 3 Weeks for this Summer.

Shape your Calves in 3 Weeks for this Summer.

The sunny days are coming, the sky is uncovering... and the legs too. It's time to take care of the silhouette of your calves! Here are 2 simple exercises to perform at home to refine and shape them, without any equipment.

Exercise 1:2 Feet Extensions

Type of work: in endurance, which allows you to refine your calves while displaying better muscle definition.

Starting position: stand upright with your arms along your body. Look ahead.


  • Exhaling, gently rise on your tiptoes, until the ankle is fully extended.
  • Pause for one second (time to pronounce “a hippopotamus”) in this position.
  • Inhaling, slowly lower your heels back to the floor.
  • Stop the descent just before they hit the ground.


  • Keep your legs straight throughout the execution of the movement.
  • Don't cheat:no upper body swinging motion is only allowed to facilitate the climb.

Sets and reps: perform three sets of 15, 20 and 25 repetitions, blowing 15 seconds between each. Take a 30-second break then continue with a fourth set of 30 quick repetitions during which you will not pause in the high position.

Exercise 2:Single Foot Extensions

Type of work: in strength, to offer a nice curve to the calves.

Starting position: stand upright with your arms along your body. Look ahead. Lift your right foot and place it behind your left ankle.


  • Exhaling, gently raise the tip of the left foot until the ankle is fully extended.
  • Pause for a second in this position.
  • Inhaling, gently lower the left heel to the floor.
  • Stop the descent just before it hits the ground.


  • Foot extension is more difficult on one foot than on two. Thus, you will need a little more time to do the movement correctly.

Sets and reps: perform three sets of 12 repetitions alternating left leg / right leg without taking a break between each. Pause for 30 seconds then continue with a fourth series of 15 repetitions at a fast pace, without parking in a high position.

Perform the series of exercise 1, breathe for a minute then continue with exercise 2. That's it, your session is complete! Repeat it 3 times a week with a minimum rest day between each and, after one month , you will see the aesthetic benefits of your work. If, with training, the exercise becomes too easy, consider adding repetitions, otherwise you will stagnate.

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